I need the following person in the SF Bay Area. I've posted to Craigs
list and so far had a great bunch of people who can do four or five of
my requirements list. Although many claim all seven, when quized in
detail, i get the "oh, well i mean i used to do it" or "well i mean
i've managed someone else". What i need is the hands-on,
crank-it-out, web wizard who can do it all. I don't mind paying some
sort of relocation. PLEASE - i don't want to know where I can post
this, I want the person. IF you can find the person online, or know
the person, then bingo. I"ve rated this question at $50, but will pay
$200 bonus or even consider a lot more for the right person.
1) HTML coding with Macromedia Dreamweaver
2) Technical Writing / Copywriting
3) Image production (Adobe PhotoShop/ImageReady/Illustrator)
4) Perl coding
5) JavaScript / DHTML / CSS / Cross browser portability
6) SQL
7) Linux / Apache setup/management |
Clarification of Question by
29 Jan 2003 07:06 PST
Webadept, it depends entirely on the person. I can' see us paying
less than $30k. On the other hand someone who had genuis level on
all 7 skills, was a workaholic, brilliant communicator, great on
details, and 100% reliable would be worth $100k. We'd relocate the
right person too. We're not restriced by budget, only by the
brilliance of the person. Hope that answers your question.