Hi Capton,
The commercial used a song entitled "U.S. Air Force Blue", written by
a Raymond Scott and Keith Textor. According to the United States Air
Force Band web site at...
"The words and music of 'U.S. Air Force Blue' have been purchased
outright by the United States Air Force and are in the public domain.
'U.S. Air Force Blue' was written and published in the interest of the
Air Force recruiting mission." So, given that the lyrics are in the
public domain, I can reproduce them here for you...
"We take the blue from the skies
And some pretty blue eyes
And a touch of Old Glory's hue
And fervently declare we're proud to wear
The U. S. Air Force Blue.
To put the drive and the dream
In America's team
We're a rugged and ready crew,
And you can bet your boots
The world looks up
To U. S. Air Force Blue.
We know where we're going,
We set our course
The sky's no limit in the Air Force.
And when the blue from the skies
Meets the gleam in our eyes
And a touch of Old Glory's hue
We fervently declare we're proud to wear
The U. S. Air Force Blue,
The U. S. Air Force Blue."
You can listen to/download the song from several sites. Music
including vocal from...
and music-only versions are available at ...
Search Strategy: "u.s. air force" +music +recruiting |