Hi knowledgeone:
Thanks for the interesting question!
1) How many institutions of higher learning are there in the U.S.?
I went to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS),
which is funded by the National Center for Education Studies (NCES),
and they had this to say:
"...includes 9,443 postsecondary institutions that are currently
active in the 2000-01 IPEDS database, 70 active institutions that are
not considered postsecondary, because they are either not open to the
general public or their primary mission is not providing education
and/or training beyond the high school level, and 392 inactive
institutions. Inactive institutions include schools that closed and
schools that merged with other institutions."
URL: http://nces.ed.gov/Ipeds/data2000/FileList.asp
More information on the database (including the data itself if you're
looking for further details) can be found at:
IPEDS Fall 2000 Data File - Final Release - March 2002
This is the most recent data they have available.
About IPEDS:
"It is a single, comprehensive system that encompasses all identified
institutions whose primary purpose is to provide postsecondary
So, I think these numbers can be seen to be pretty reliable.
2) What is the total number of non-profits in the U.S., including
instutions of higher learning?
The Non-profit Resource Center says:
"How many nonprofits are there in the U.S.?
There are more than 1.6 million nonprofit organizations in the United
States, and the number continues to increase. The nonprofit sector
accounts for about 6 percent of all companies (both nonprofit and
for-profit) in the country, and 7 percent of total U.S. employment."
URL: http://www.nonprofitresourcecenter.com/html/start_a_nonprofit.html
This page also contains links to lots of other valuable data,
including a list of all the various types (including educational) that
are label as nonprofits.
What Are The Different Types Of Tax-Exempt Organizations?
Some other links that back up this figure:
"Today, the nonprofit sector comprises nearly 1.6 million
organizations and generates more than $670 billion-about 9 percent of
the gross domestic product."
URL: http://www.carnegie.org/reporter/04/otherstories/nonprofits.html
"Dozens of small companies sell tech support services and software to
the nation's roughly 1.6 million tax-exempt organizations, but it's
Chicago-based B2P Commerce Corp. that is looking to corner the
not-for-profit market."
URL: http://www.chicagotribune.com/technology/columnists/chi-0204290112apr29,0,4379452.column
I hope that this information has been of help in your search.
If you need any clarification of the information I have provided,
please ask using the Clarification feature and provide me with
additional details as to what you are looking for. As well, please
allow me to provide you with clarification(s) *before* you rate this
Thank you.
Search Strategy (on Google):
"higher learning" "united states" "how many"
"higher learning" institutions "united states" site:.gov
"how many" "non-profits" OR nonprofits "united states"
ipeds |