Hello wod,
Thank you for your question.
I think I have found an elegant solution for you in a program called
"Toggler allows you to gain control over your Caps Lock, Num Lock, and
Insert keys. It prevents you from writing in ALL CAPS when your finger
has slipped to accidentally hit the Caps Lock key.
Similarly, you'll never again overwrite any valuable text by having
accidentally hit the Insert key.
Toggler shows you which keys are currently toggled on by a visual
representation of the Caps/Num Lock keys in the Windows Notification
Area. In addition, you can optionally play a sound or have the icon
flash a number of times to get your attention if you'd prefer not to
be bothered by sound.
However, on systems running Windows 2000 or above, you can take
advantage of the best features of Toggler:
Set a customizable delay before the Caps Lock or Insert keys will be
toggled. This way, the keys will only be toggled if you hold them down
for a fraction of a second longer than normal. You can specify the
delay, and even have the delay only work in one direction (e.g. only
delay when Caps Lock is toggling ON, and not when toggling OFF).
SmartShift is a feature that automatically toggles off the Caps Lock
status when you press <Shift> and a letter while the Caps Lock light
Finally, you can disable the "Windows" keys and the Context Menu key
on Windows-specific keyboards. Game-players are often frustrated by
these keys, and Toggler allows you to take control!"
You did not mention what Operating System you are using, but if it is
Windows 2000 or later, this will do what you wish and more!
Toggler sells for only $5.95
Complete features:
Windows 2000 and above:
-use a delay period before activating the Caps Lock or Insert keys
(learn more)
-delay when toggling ON, OFF, or in both directions (learn more)
-specify how long you'd like the delay period to be
-take advantage of SmartShift
-completely disable the following keys if desired: (learn more)
left "Windows" key
right "Windows" key
Context Menu key
All versions of Windows:
-works in every application for every version of Windows
-choose to be alerted when the Caps/Num Lock keys are toggled ON, OFF,
or both (learn more)
-alert sounds can be customized completely - from no sound to a
specific WAV file (learn more)
-your sound alert can play one or more times - you decide
-icon flashing can be customized by flash delay and number of flashes
-icon flashing can be disabled (learn more)
-can easily be configured to start every time you start your computer
-easy to use
-detailed contextual help provided
-small, optimized executable file with very little memory overhead
-written in C with the Win32 API for the fastest speed possible
Alternately, if you are using Windows 98, this page has the following
registry entries:
Disable Context Menu
Change NoTrayContextMenu key to 0x00000001
This page has a utility for disabling the context menu key (near the
bottom of the page):
WinKey Killer 1.7
Disables the Windows keys and context menu key. Great for preventing
interruption of DOS or DirectX games.
I searched the Microsoft Knowledge base and Tech Net to no avail to
find a way to disable the insert key. It appeared the only available
utility for this is Toggler when used with Windows 2000 or above.
However, I ran the same search on Google Groups to find:
Registry hack for insert key for Windows 2000
For Windows XP
And this search pointed me to the following for Windows 95 and above:
sMaRTcaPs is the solution to the Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Insert key
problems. Accidental touches will no longer ruin your documents nor
waste your time. You control the response of the Caps Lock, Num Lock,
and Insert keys so that each must be purposely held before it will
toggle. You'll be notified by a unique sound when the Caps Lock, Num
Lock, and Insert have been activated, and when each has been turned
off. There are also 2 types of visual indicators for Caps Lock and Num
Lock. Plus you can simulate the Caps Lock operation of typewriters and
Macs. And all of this works in the background - for all your Windows
95 and later applications!
Price: $10 US
Free 30-day Trial Available!
Search Strategy:
disable +menu OR insert +key +windows
disable OR lock +"insert key"
disable OR lock +"insert key" +registry
I trust my research will help you to modify your default key actions.
If a link above should fail to work or anything require further
explanation, please do post a Request for Clarification and I will be
pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |
Clarification of Answer by
29 Jan 2003 11:50 PST
May have it here:
This may be your solution:
2002-10-21 - .NET kills CAPSLOCK (and Insert too)
I recently showed Chris Sells the registry magic to kill the CAPSLOCK
key once and for all. Chris noted that killing that useless Insert key
would be a good idea as well.
Moments later, through the miracle of .NET, the world has Scancode
Mapper which does the grungy stuff for you. My insert key is now as
dead as the CAPSLOCK key.
Today's Favorite .NET Feature: Chris Sells
Scancode Mapper
Sun, 10/13/02
Scancode Mapper is a GUI tool for setting the Scan Code Mapper for
Windows Registry settings for Win2K+:
As an example of what this tool does to the Registry, this .reg file
turns off the CapsLock key. Of course, changing scancode mappings is a
risky business, so be sure of what you're doing before committing the
changes and restarting Windows. No warranties extended. Use at your
own risk. Enjoy. : )