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Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research Asked by: johnfrommelbourne-ga List Price: $12.25 |
10 May 2002 10:37 PDT
Expires: 17 May 2002 10:37 PDT Question ID: 15009 |
I absolutely love GOOGLE-ANSWERS!! More fun and entertainment than WWW itself in my opinion! Already got terrific response to earlier query that was very well researched indeed, and a credit to freelance researcher. However on reading "SEARCHDAY" and other views from Search Engine experts and writers in the business I find that the American anti-GOOGLE brigade is not only predicting a quick death for the concept but obviously sincerely hoping that it dies as well. WHY!! They point out a few reasons as follows-: 1) This is a novelty for GOOGLE management that they will soon tire of and simply shut down overnight; citing minimal income for GOOGLE relative to the high clerical & technical administrative costs as the reasons why. 2) Internet users have got well used to the idea of information for no cost at all on the net' and its way too late to begin charging people for any such service. 2a)In any case if they do pay they will be expecting information for next to nothing and at best a charge of $1.75 would be appropriate or all that most would be prepared to pay. On the contrary however it appears to me and my calculator that to date questions have averaged $12.25 each and rising!! This is a long way from the minimum $4.00 allowable and further from the $1.75 suggested by one writer so would seem to torpedo that argument at this stage of concept's life at least 3)In light of situation at 2) and 2a) and that such a progressive reduction in price people are prepared to pay will soon become evident on GOOGLE-ANSWERS, the current researchers will see their efforts as a lot of hard work & research time for little gain, and begin to drop off the screen as a result. Consequently researcher numbers will become unviable for GOOGLE Management to continue with. One writer said that if GOOGLE was serious they would have sought out second or third world researchers just as smart as current batch who would have been able to make decent wages by their country's standards and been far more keen to continue the daily scan of questions and respond reliably each day. This sounds like a pertinent comment to me, yes?? no?? 4) People will always prefer to use libraries and in any case libraries can answer more questions more comprehensivley than GOOGLE-ANSWERS and people will come to understand this. From my perspective this would appear a dumb argument as critis are seeing G-A as only a vehicle for school project type questions only. This is at odds with all the weird and wonderful questions coming through that are clearly not the type of abstract type questions that could be answered in any library thatI know. Thats enough. Hoping for some good answers and/or comments on Points 1,2,2a, etc from researcher for my $12.25(assuming GOOGLE allows you to answer) which is a lot of money in my part of the world. Perhaps you have no qualitative information on subject and cant answer?? In this case any worthwhile frank opinions would be welcomed. Also look forward to any commenters comments if anyone interested. If at all possible and you have some link to GOOGLE management I would like to know if the 12.25 average is about what they were expecting as an average question price offered, or something less or somthing more?? Also were they expecting such strange questions to come up or the more traditional textbook type stuff or school project material. Thanks a lot, John |
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Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
Answered By: google_answers-ga on 10 May 2002 12:33 PDT |
Thank you for your questions about Google Answers and your interest in helping us improve our product. To address your questions: All publicly available information about Google Answers is available on our web site at: https://answers.google.com All publicly available information about Google is available at the main Google web site at: www.google.com Regarding your feedback, we greatly appreciate feedback from our users. Google Answers is in beta and will go through revisions over time with the help of feedback like this. However, for your reference, the quickest, more efficient way for your feedback and ideas to be considered by the Google Answers Team is to email us at: answers-support@google.com Thank you again for using Google Answers. |
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Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: headsetsdotcom-ga on 10 May 2002 11:42 PDT |
John, i think I disagree. I tried Keen before (similar service) but never got answers. I'm trying this and getting responses, good one. I don't mind paying $10, $20 $50 for answers. Google seem to have it right again in my limited experience of the service. I'm interested in why you want to know if it will work. If Google were public it would matter from a stock viewpoint. Or do you have a business interest? I'm invested heavilty in PPP engines and follow the industry so i'm interested in your interest, if that makes sense :-) Mike If you can't reply to my comments online, would love to know by email, mike@headsets.com. |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: realitycheck-ga on 10 May 2002 11:56 PDT |
2) Internet users have got well used to the idea of information for no cost at all on the net' and its way too late to begin charging people for any such service. Google isn't charging for the information, they're charging to help people find it. Believe it or not, there are a lot of people that don't have extraordinary researching skills and may have a hard time finding an answer to their question on the web. So if they need an answer fast and want to pay someone to help them out, what's the harm in that? This isn't the End of the Internet As We Know It, it's just a nice idea being evolved into a pretty neat service. I'm curious to where you claim that this service has a high clerical and technical cost. How many editors do you need policing the queries for content and appropriateness? |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: chromedome-ga on 10 May 2002 12:08 PDT |
In my former life (retail electronics, internationally known chain) we were continually plagued with phone calls and walk-ins seeking information with only the most tenuous (or no) connection to what we did for a living. The world (and the www) is crammed to bursting with information of all kinds. Finding the pertinent information can be tedious and time consuming, and many people just don't have the time to learn the skills involved. Businesses and people in a hurry seem to be the heaviest users, from my admittedly brief acquaintance with the service. Call me crazy, but I don't see those categories dwindling any time soon. Can't wait 'til I can answer questions and make some $ for doing something I enjoy! |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: seedy-ga on 10 May 2002 12:14 PDT |
Having been part of answers.com which started in 1996 and closed up as a pay for answers concept in 1998, I'd like to comment on this line of interest. answers.com collected a significant amount of answer revenue at a time when people were quite sceptical about charging anything on the Internet. The problem was, as you state, the relatively low researcher income from the amount of time necessary to answer the extremely detailed questions people ask at low revenue estimates. answers.com tried to evolve to short term "custom" research questions which were mini-consulting projects. The differences which are positive for answers.google are: 1. The bandwidth that people are operating today is quite a bit faster than in 1996 when most "researchers" had only dial up connections to use for searching. 2. |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: seedy-ga on 10 May 2002 12:27 PDT |
Sorry my finger slipped but I'll continue 2. The development of google itself is an aid to searching that was not available in 1996. Early search engines, bots, crawlers etc were primitive to say the least. Yes it is easier to search but still requires some skills to find the relevant infomation. 3. answers.google is building a "sense of community" which is valuable in providing comments and clarifications that in itself brings more people to the search engine. I'll be interested to see if there is a nominal increase in google "hits" as a result of the creative approach to answers. 4. The "pay for listing" model started by goto.com (now overture.com) and now adopted by google creates a revenue stream by from the "preferred listings". Bringing eyeballs to the listers is what it is all about. 5. You need to look upon answers.google as advertising expense for google. They may find that it becomes revenue/loss neutral (hopefully) since the overhead cost should be low being mostly marginal increase in computer time and storage and requiring only editors and a few dedicated researchers to supplement the distributed workers. 5. The quality of the answers are outstanding on those questions which are answered... Establishing an exiration date for the question,reduces people's frustration with the service since the question will expire naturally if it cannot be answered, or if the revenue provided does not justify the research required. Doom?? Too early to tell...... |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: missy-ga on 10 May 2002 13:06 PDT |
Hi John. As seedy said, it's way too soon to predict doom for this service. *Way* too soon! We're in Beta, for heaven's sake! I read the article in which someone claimed that people were paying only $1.75 for information, and I wrote the author myself to correct him. The author of that article is not terribly knowledgeable when it comes to the 'Net in general, or Google specifically - his claim that Google "owns and operates Usenet" ought to be the first hint that we're looking at one (bitter) man's opinion and nothing more. Low income? Not this researcher. I've never been so well compensated for part time work before - sitting in my chair, doing something I love to do anyway! I'm being compensated for my actual work, and I enjoy a flexibility that I've never had with any other job - if I want to take the day off, I can, and no one will fuss at me or threaten to fire me. It's the perfect part time job! The Answers staff is prompt, friendly, and fun to correspond with, and the work is highly enjoyable. Fail? Soon? No, I don't think so. missy-ga |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: lug-ga on 10 May 2002 16:23 PDT |
I enjoyed answering questions on a similar program called InfoRocket. Unfortunatly, I had to stop when they changed from a web-online-answer to a telephone-answer setup. People were not interested in transatlantic telephone calls. A pity, as being UK based, I was able to answer many questions from personal experience and local research for people all over the world. The average charge was about $8 as I recall. I feel there is a need for the service as long as the quality is maintained. I hope Google take the long-sighted view and stay the course. I also used Google from almost Day 1 and my web site stats show *ten times* more searches finding us with Google/Yahoo than with the next most popular, MSN. Google works! |
Re: Love GOOGLE- ANSWERS but its doomed to FAIL and SOON !!!
From: clp-ga on 10 May 2002 23:25 PDT |
Google Answers can provide significant benefits to Google and its users, and I don't think it will fail anytime soon. Indeed, it could become a significant force in driving the value of Google much higher than it already is, and it could bring in revenue rather than being a cost. A problem Google faces is how to identify the high quality pages on the web. Their PageRank technology relies on page popularity and other parameters, hoping that a more popular page will provide better data about its content. A better metric of quality might be provided by an accurate analysis of page content. It would be good to know whether the content of a page was correct, and if it held useful answers to specific questions. However, analyzing the content of a page is very difficult for a software program to do. One solution to the content analysis problem is to have humans evaluate page content, which is what Google Answers does; and Google gets paid for each piece of content analysis work that is done (rather than paying to have it done). Also, I believe Google's terms give it rights to all the answers that anyone enters on the system. The Google Answers service will build a data base of web pages that have been evaluated by at least two humans (seeker and researcher) and found to have real value. Google could use this data base to add another parameter to their ranking algorithm: Was this page useful to any Google Answers researcher? No other search engine will have this unique collection of data. The data base could help Google to refine the raw data available on the web into accurate and useful and much more valuable information (which can lead to knowledge and eventually wisdom, but I digress). All web searchers will profit from having a search tool that knows which pages have specific and accurate answers. The Google Answers service certainly promotes Google's mission: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." < ://www.google.com/jobs/great-people-needed.html > This body of questions and answers will be a significant resource that Google could use to create more wealth (eg, search the Google Answers list for a price, or do the standard Google search for free). The money they earn will enable Google to continue to pursue its mission. I think that we all need a financially sound and successful Google (or something like it) for the Internet to continue to grow and be a valuable resource for the world. I applaud this new initiative by Google and wish them great success. I look forward to the day when I can make a search and not need to look at more than two or three links on the first response page before finding a good answer. |
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