Hi there!
Various colleges and universities (and the different faculties and
departments within them) use different methods for assignment
submission. These usually depend on the instructor of the specific
course as well as the content of the assignments being handed in.
1. Personal submission
This is the most traditional method where the student submits a paper
copy of their assignment solution to the instructor/teaching
assistant. This can be either into a drop-box or mailbox.
2. Postal submission
Students studying away from campus are sometimes given the chance to
mail in their assignment (usually in paper form). This is usually
acceptable if stated beforehand and it is postmarked on/before the due
3. Email submission
For smaller classes especially, students are sometimes given the
option to submit their solutions via email to the instructor/teaching
assistant. Given the nature of email, you would be able to make
submissions with any desktop/laptop/PDA that can connect to the
internet. In general, all files to be included as part of the solution
should be in ZIP format. The date/time of the email determines whether
or not it has been submitted on time.
4. Disk submission
This option is rarely used (for fear of viruses), but if it is used it
is likely so that the marker can test the work (such as in a
programming assignment).
5. Online submission server
This option is becoming much more popular at leading universities.
Though there are several different ways to set up such a system, I
will give an example so that you will get an understanding of the
functionality of the system:
Each student has a predetermined username and password used to log
into the system (this can be the same as another username/password the
student has within the institution such as the one for their email
address). Once logged in, the student is shown a list of courses they
are registered in that use this submission server. Upon selecting the
course, they are given a chance to submit a file (usually in ZIP
format) and apply it to an assignment chosen from a list. The
date/time the transfer completes determines whether or not the
assignment is late...some systems allow the student to submit the
assigment repeatedly, and only the last submission for a given
assignment is stored for marking. Since this system is web-based, it
can be accessed from any web-enabled system (such as a
desktop/laptop/PDA with web access).
6. Online form/quiz
These types of systems are usually web-based as well, and when
students log into the system and select the appropriate course, they
actually have to complete the assignment online. This can be in the
form of multiple choice, short answer, paragraph, etc.. Once complete,
the student submits the form which is then either marked by the system
itself or made available for a human to mark. Again, a wireless device
with access to the internet can be used here as well..
In summary, it is possible to use wireless devices to submit
assignments, but this is usually done through the internet. It would
be impractical to set up an internal wireless system and provide each
student with a unit for just this purpose..
If you have any questions about the material listed here please feel
free to post a clarification and I will be happy to assist you :)
Hope this helped!
answerguru-ga |