Hello azl42,
I am pasting a few excerpt out of a lengthy article that I found on
the internet below. I recommend that you read through the article to
better understand the situation. There are currently no .iq websites,
although technically there could be:
"Internet does not exist in Iraq. There are no known domestic
TCP/IP-based networks, norany international communications links to
the Internet. Some Iraqis may access the Internet via aninternational
telephone call to a foreign access provider, but the scarcity of
direct-dialinternational lines, the poor quality of the available
telephone circuits, and the difficulty of payingfor Internet access in
the face of the international embargo all suggest this is a rare
event, if itoccurs at all.A top-level domain has been registered with
the InterNIC for Iraq, but no block of IP numbershas been assigned.
The administrative contact for the .iq TLD is a Saud Alani, with a
Baghdad telephone number, through his Alani Corporation, located in
Richardson, Texas. Other companies associated with Alani Corporation
include Valnet Corporation (mynet.net) and InfoCom(infocomusa.com),
both located at the same address in Texas. Bayan Elashi is the
technicalcontact for both the .iq TLD and InfoCom."
SOURCE: ://www.google.ca/search?q=cache:21obWDa7z38C:mosaic.unomaha.edu/GDI1998/7DIRAQ.PDF+infocom+iraq&hl=en&ie=UTF-8
PDF Version of this: http://mosaic.unomaha.edu/GDI1998/7DIRAQ.PDF
If you want to contact the people responsible for the .iq suffix, you
can find the contact information here:
There are perhaps other ways that people in Iraq could access the
internet, but these would not be widely available, and would still not
enable people to host a website with the suffix .iq.
The largest website devoted to Iraqi interests appears to be this one:
I trust that the the above information will adequately answer your
question. If you need any clarifications, please let me know and I
will do my best to further assist you as best as I can.
Search Strategy:
infocom iraq
://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=infocom+iraq&meta= |