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Q: Availability of Equill like toolbar ( No Answer,   1 Comment )
Subject: Availability of Equill like toolbar
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: yaaru-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 03 Feb 2003 07:58 PST
Expires: 05 Mar 2003 07:58 PST
Question ID: 156723
I am looking for equill like toolbar (I expect researcher to know
about equill toolbar, as I have learnt over net, which is now sold to
microsoft, )

The answer expected is
1. Is there any other service provider on web providing equill like
2. Is there component(s) available to develop equill like toolbar?
3. Would tip $10 for giving complete development logic/flow chart. The
logic/flow chart may have 3rd party components.

E-Quill was a free toolbar that lets you treat Web pages like pieces
of paper. With equill you can write, circle, underline, or just draw
on any page. Highlight text, jot comments on "sticky notes," then
click to send to friends, coworkers, or anyone else--they don't need
E-Quill to view the pages you send.

Request for Question Clarification by alexd-ga on 22 Feb 2003 05:58 PST
Hi Yaaru !

I found two plugins for internet explorer that do exactly what equill used to do.

Would that qualify as an answer ?

Clarification of Question by yaaru-ga on 23 Feb 2003 23:47 PST
Hi Alex (alexd-ga)

Is it free as equill used to be? If so, YES.

If not what does that cost? Reasonable cost will qualify for answer.

Thank you

Request for Question Clarification by alexd-ga on 24 Feb 2003 09:50 PST
Hi Yaaru !

Okay, here's what I found:

There's the iMarkup toolbar wich works quite like E-quill used to
They have a free plug-in for IE, but this free plug-in allows only to
save your work on a iMarkup server, wich is not free (their website
says to contact them for server prices). They also have a 39.99$
plug-in wich allows you to save your work locally. This is the one you
may be looking for.

Here's a like to their website, the page explains wich product you may

There's also WebScriver, a similar tool. But this one gave me trouble.
First if you want to download it you must click two times on the
"Download" link (the first click gives you a page saying the product
will be out by november 2002). The I installer it and disconvered it
didn't work at all. The toolbar is installed but is looking for a
non-exsisting server ( on port 8081). Anyway
here's a link to their website:

I hope this is what you needed. If it's not then just reply to this
clarification request and add more details about what you need. If if
is what you need, then just reply that is is okay with you and I'll
post it as an answer.

Finally, some search strategies: The best results I got were on Google
Groups ( when I searched for "free toolbar
like Equill". You'll find a couple of posts about each toolbar. Maybe
they can help you decide what you need.

Thanks fr using Google Answers !

Alexandre D.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Availability of Equill like toolbar
From: rajeevsmind-ga on 04 Feb 2003 03:17 PST
It may be that equills' patent has blocked any development of such tools.

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