Hello nikki101,
n.paradoxa calls itself "the only international feminist art journal
exploring feminist theory and contemporary women's art practices" It
has been published in two separate editions: online (quarterly, since
Dec. 1996) and in print (bi-annually, ISSN 1461-0434, since 1998))
You can access the current and previous issues on the journal's web
On the same web site you will also find lists of relevant books,
magazines and journal articles, as well as links to other feminist art
sites on the Internet.
The Bibliography of Black American Feminism on the web site of
University of California, Santa Barbara has a section on art, which
might include relevant references:
You may also find these books on Amazon.com of interest
Feminism and Contemporary Art: The Revolutionary Power of Women's
Laughter (Re Visions: Critical Studies in the History and Theory of
by Jo Anna Isaak. Routledge; 1996, 247 pages ISBN: 0415080150
The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970S, History
and Impact
by Norma Broude (Editor), Mary D. Garrard (Editor)
Harry N Abrams; 1996, 320 pages ISBN: 0810926598
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