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Q: SMS through fix line (PSTN) ( No Answer,   1 Comment )
Subject: SMS through fix line (PSTN)
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: rudydarwin-ga
List Price: $15.00
Posted: 03 Feb 2003 19:37 PST
Expires: 05 Mar 2003 19:37 PST
Question ID: 157005
My name is Rudy Darwin from Indonesia, Just now in my city Jakarta,
the PSTN (fixed line) phone provider launch a new feature which is
called Telkom SMS. The feature enable us to send sms using PSTN phone.
To use this facility we need to buy a SMTE (short message terminal
equipment / SMS enabled) phone. My question is Can I use my PC with
modem connected with the old phone (not SMS enabled) to send sms by
passing some AT command?. If yes can you give the list of AT command
to enable me to send sms through PSTN phone ? or software that enable
me to send sms through PSTN phone?


Request for Question Clarification by hedgie-ga on 03 Feb 2003 21:01 PST
Please do clarify if you are looking for a free service.
There are services which will deliver your SMS to any operator
for a modest fee. For example Bigfoot.

The SMS (sent from a PC) typically goes to SMSC,
such as
which has to forward it to a specific operator of a mobile network
which then sends it to a mobile phone.
 So it is not just question of an AT
commands. The range of mobiles you want to reach,
what number of SMSs at what price all affect the answer.

Clarification of Question by rudydarwin-ga on 04 Feb 2003 10:11 PST
What I mean is not related to the internet sms service. Now I'll give
you example to :
Previously I connect my GSM phone (Nokia 5110) to my PC through a data
cable. Then I use Logo Manager software to send a sms to another
phone. The GSM phone is act a modem.

Then in Jakarta, the fixed line phone operator announce that their
customers can use the fixed line phone to send and receive sms, by
changing the old phone with the SMTE (short message terminal) first.
The picture of SMTE is in the URL below
The question is can I connect my PC modem with the phone and send sms
from the PC ? It mean I can type the SMS message with PC Keyboard and
can do some automation. If I can do you know what is the AT command ?

Hope this won't confuse you.

Request for Question Clarification by hedgie-ga on 05 Feb 2003 10:29 PST
       Yes. I do know what AT command is
        and it is quite likely that you can emulate SMTE
         by a PC. However I hope some other researcher 
         will answer this. Beside technical issues, there 
          are business issues 
           (like who wants to charge what for sending SMSs)
           which I do not feel like looking into.

Clarification of Question by rudydarwin-ga on 06 Feb 2003 08:53 PST
About the business issues I think it isn't a problem. For example like
who wants to charge what for sending SMSs ? the phone provider will
take care of it. As you say what I need is only the technical issue.

There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: SMS through fix line (PSTN)
From: hedgie-ga on 03 Feb 2003 20:37 PST
As long as you are connected to internet
 (by any means, including modem) you should be
 able to send SMS for free from suitable web page
  called SMS gate. Usually each mobile operator
  operates SMS page for its own network

Here is a list of such gates for different countries

Curiously, looks like all Indonesia pages became invalid.
Some operators did eliminate such free service recently -
there may be some new trend in the industry?

In any case, the answer to your question may depend on
which mobil you want to call. You may want to clarify that.

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