i am 62 male 180 cm. high 90 kg. weight.
i am active ( tennis, ski, scuba, surfing) felling good .
I suffer from various mild problems
1. Gout under control, for which i take 150 mg. Alloril (Allopurinol)
2.high blood pressure (130) for which i take 25Mg. Normalol(Atenolol)
3.enlarged prostate(once a night) for which i take"Better Prostate" by
Young Again Nutrients.
4. snoring ,for which i know of no remedy (no surgery or sleeping
masks please).
I would like to know if there is a better combination of drugs for my
condition? |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Feb 2003 04:38 PST
Hello yakirxp,
Each disease mentioned in your question would involve a detailed
explaination of the "best combination of medication". You may want to
break up the question into seperate parts or price the question as a
complex, multi-part question. For more information see the Google
Answers Pricing Guide:
Kevin, M.D.
Clarification of Question by
04 Feb 2003 06:50 PST
as every thing is under control(as Nasa probably said one minute
before the disaster)what i am interested in is not treatment for each
dedease separetly
as what i do now seems to work well.
i am interested in the effect of combined medication i am taking and
if there is a way to improve that.
i am not familiar with the pricing system(my first question) so be
kind enogh to advise a logical sum for the replay
Request for Question Clarification by
04 Feb 2003 07:48 PST
What I can do is run your medications through my drug interaction
databases to see if there are any adverse effects. If all your
symptoms are being controlled, I am unclear as to how much improvement
from combined medicine you are looking for. Also if you want, I can
say a few words about snoring and what can be done about it.
Kevin, M.D.
Clarification of Question by
04 Feb 2003 07:56 PST
yes please. that is exactly what i was lookinfg for.
is the sum of 10$ o.k.?
Clarification of Question by
04 Feb 2003 22:01 PST
i hope that kevin and voila read this comment as i dont find a way to
thank them personally.
I am greatful for the time you took to post your comments which are
extremly helpful.
actually i did not expect more from an answer so my rating to you both
is a full five!!!!
if google accept me as an expert (i am photographer with 35 years of
expirience) i hope to give my share to the web comunity like you.