Request for Question Clarification by
05 Feb 2003 12:41 PST
Hi lightwave-ga,
I have taken a look at your question and coded the required C++
application. However, the document is pretty ambiguous on how the
complexity for Q1 and Q2 are to be calculated. Also, the document
notes that the values that a program will output may differ slightly
from the sample output given in the question.
In my program, the complexity values I get for Q1 and Q3 differ
slightly from those in the sample question. However, the complexity
value for Q2 is exactly the same. I am awaiting more detailed
instructions from you on how the complexity for Q1 and Q2 can be
However, if the slight variance is okay with you(as it seems to be
for the questioner), I will post my program as an answer by tomorrow.
Note to other GA researchers : I have invested a significant amount of
time and effort in this question, and have the solution near at hand.
I would be grateful if none of you were to lock this question. Thanks!