If youre like me, youre gonna kick yourself when you find out how
simple it turned out to be. BUT it took me a while to figure it out,
so dont feel bad ;-)
The reason I asked my original question (re: all properties vs.
available properties) was to determine whether or not I needed to go a
real estate route. When you said all commercial properties, that
was out.
I decided to go online to the various towns websites (assuming they
had them) to see what resources were available. I went to the Needham
website first, simply by serendipity. I checked Publications first,
to see if there might be a listing that could be used. No such luck.
So I looked under Departments and the first department listed was
Assessors. Eureka!
Where I live now, this office is called the Appraisers. But I
originally come from Massachusetts (that, and the fact I like real
estate questions is why I looked at your question in the first
and knew that the Assessors Office was the same as the
Appraisers Office.
Got it now?
What one thing utilizes a property address, whether its commercial or
residential, is calculated (often solely) on square footage, will have
a contact name, and is public record? You got it. Property taxes!
I decided to email who I could to see what I could get. (I was not
surprised to fnd that there was a charge for the lists.) Not all
assessors had email addresses, so I emailed people the town manager in
one instance.
I simply asked if a list of commercial properties with square footage
and owner contact info were available. As I told you earlier, only
Milton and Newton have responded so far. Their messages are included
at the bottom. I expect to hear from at least 1-2 more towns and will
pass that info on ASAP.
Here is a complete listing of the websites and the assessors contact
Needham: < http://www.town.needham.ma.us/ >
James Weidenfeller
Assessors' Office, Needham Town Hall,
1471 Highland Ave.
Needham, MA 02492
< http://www.town.needham.ma.us/Assessor/index.htm >
Dedham < http://www.town.dedham.ma.us/ >
Joseph Briggs, Jbriggs@town.dedham.ma.us
Town Administration Building
26 Bryant Street,
Dedham, MA 02026-0306
< http://www.town.dedham.ma.us/dept_profiles/assessor.html >
Norwood < http://www.ci.norwood.ma.us/ >
781-762-1240 Ext. 143
Town Hall, 566 Washington Street
Norwood Ma 02062
Newton < http://www.ci.newton.ma.us/ >
(617) 796-1160
Elizabeth Dromey, dromey@ci.newton.ma.us
Assessment Administration, Room 116, City Hall,
1000 Commonwealth Avenue
Newton Centre, MA 02459
< http://www.ci.newton.ma.us/Assessor/index.htm>
Natick < http://natickma.virtualtownhall.net/Home/ >
(508) 647-6420
William Chenard, assessors@natickma.org
13 East Central Street, Natick, MA 01760
< http://natickma.virtualtownhall.net/Public_Documents/
NatickMA_Assessor/index >
Milford < http://www.milford.ma.us/ >
Priscilla Hogan, phogan@townofmilford.com
52 Main St., Milford, MA 01757
< http://www.milford.ma.us/assess.htm >
Here's some additional information you might find useful:
*** heres a listing of links to Massachusetts city and town
< http://www.mma.org/links/city_town_websites.html >
*** The Assessor is required under Massachusetts General laws:
Chapter 59, to list and value all real and personal property.
Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment roll each
year. The "ad valorem" bases for taxation means that all property
should be taxed "according to value" which is the definition. Assessed
values in Massachusetts are based on full and fair cash value, or 100
percent of market value.
< http://www.town.needham.ma.us/Assessor/AssessorFAQ.htm>
Responses to my queries:
From Milford, Priscilla Hogan, phogan@townofmilford.com
We do not have a report of this nature. You can request one in
writing along with a check for $25.00 for a deposit to create this
report. If there is an additional charge we would notify you prior to
releasing the report. I hope this is helpful.
[Note: I have to apologize to you as I misread this originally and
reported that the Milford list would cost $25. On the other hand, it
still may only cost $25.]
From Newton,
Good Morning
I am responding to your e-mail we received regarding commercial
properties in Newton, MA.
We have a CD available that lists all the properties in the City of
Newton, with the attributes of each parcel. A sample of the data
may be had on our web site. www.ci.newton.ma.us
When you enter the site, you will see "Assessors Data" in the frame
on the left. "Click" on that and you will be in the database search
screen. For an example of the data available, enter California
(only California, not St) in the street search box. Hit "search" and
list of parcels on California St will come up. Select No. 137-139.
When that property comes up click on "scroll option" at the bottom
of the page and you will then be able to scroll down and see the
available info for that parcel.
If this satisfies your needs, you can order the CD. The cost is
$160.00. (Includes mailing) The data on the disc is in four formats,
Excel, Paradox, Access and ASCII. Check to be made out to the
City of Newton. Mail to Assessors Office, 1000 Commonwealth
Avenue, Newton, MA 02459
Our web site may answer most of your questions, but call me if
you would like to discuss this further.....I should be in my office
until 5:00.
Ruane Crummett
Deputy Director
Assessment Administration
I've enjoyed working on this question. Looking at the websites
reminds me of home :-)
Thanks for using Google Answers. Needless to say, if you need any
clarification of anything, please don't hesitate to ask. And, as I
mentioned earlier, I will forward on any other responses I get ASAP.
Best regards,
acorn |