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Q: Problem with a Perl Script ( No Answer,   1 Comment )
Subject: Problem with a Perl Script
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: iamchmod-ga
List Price: $25.00
Posted: 06 Feb 2003 21:14 PST
Expires: 06 Feb 2003 22:44 PST
Question ID: 158355
I am having a problem with a perl script.
Here is what it is supposed to do:
This is a script to combine first/last names and domain names to
create email addresses for employees. So it:
1)Parses a line from a CSV file
2)Rewrite the line, with 6 new fields at the end. (3 variations of
email addresses separated by blank cells.

For some reason it is consistently barfing when it gets to writing
line 17 of the names (out of a list of 50 records). It wrecks the
field alignment by adding a newline or something out of place. I can't
figure out why. Can someone help?

Code I am using posted here:

#insert files name below
my $file_in = 'small_test.csv';
my $file_out = 'email.csv';

# open files
open(ADDR, $file_in);
open(EMAIL, ">$file_out");

# deal with header line
my $line = <ADDR>;
print EMAIL ($line);

# process lines
$line = <ADDR>;

my $count = 1;

while ($line ne '') {

  #check for quoted fields with commas
  while($line =~ /(.*)?\"([\w|\s|\.]+)\,([\w|\s|\.\,]+)\"(.*)?/ ) {
    $line =~ s/\"([\w|\s|.]+)\,([\w|\s|\.\,]+)\"/\"$1\|$2\"/ ;

  my @values = split(/\,/, $line);
  my $first = $values[0];
  $first =~ s/\s//g;
  $first =~ s/^(\w)+\.(.*)?/$2/;
  my $initial = '';
  if($first =~ /([\w])(.*)?/) {
    $initial = $1;
  my $last = $values[2];
  $last =~ s/\s//g;
  my $url = $values[26];
  my $domain = '';
  if($url =~ /^.*http:\/\/www.(.*)/i){
    $domain = $1;
  my $add1 = $initial.$last.'@'.$domain;
  my $add2 = $first.'_'.$last.'@'.$domain;
  my $add3 = $first.'.'.$last.'@'.$domain;

  $values[27] = $add1;
  $values[29] = $add2;
  $values[31] = $add3;

  my $newline = join(",", @values);
  $newline =~ s/\|/\,/g;

  print EMAIL ("$newline");
  $line = <ADDR>;

  my $rem = $count % 1000;
  if (($count > 999) & ($rem == 0)) {
    print "$count records converted.\n";


print "Conversion complete.\n";

Clarification of Question by iamchmod-ga on 06 Feb 2003 22:07 PST
the file is posted as a csv here - all identifiers have been

Clarification of Question by iamchmod-ga on 06 Feb 2003 22:12 PST
for some reason it is adding a ^M after record 17 and then after the
resulting email combinations, messing up the formatting
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Problem with a Perl Script
From: scttyb-ga on 06 Feb 2003 21:51 PST
Could you provide a sample data file?  Of course change the names and
domains, but leave the formatting exactly the same.  Also - you should
be aware of names containing special characters like quotes or dashes.


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