Well, it wasn't the banks worrying about gold that brought the
buildings down.
Here is the document to which you are referring:
Reginald H. Howe, Plaintiff, v Bank for International Settlements,
Alan Greenspan, William J. McDonough, J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc, Chase
Manhattan Corp, Citigroup, Inc, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, Deutsche
Bank AG and Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury,
The lawsuit was filed December 7, 2000, not just a few months before
Reading the complaint carefully, you will see that the plaintiff (who
runs the goldensextant.com website) "alleges manipulation of gold
prices from 1994 to the present time by a conspiracy of public
officials and major bullion banks. This manipulative scheme appears
directed at three objectives: (1) to prevent rising gold prices from
sounding a warning on U.S. inflation; (2) to prevent rising gold
prices from signaling weakness in the international value of the
dollar; and (3) to prevent banks and others who have funded themselves
by borrowing gold at low interest rates and are thus short physical
gold from suffering huge losses as a consequence of rising gold
This is very important. What it means is that this is NOT a claim
that the gold wasn't available, but that the price of gold was being
fixed to prevent the losses that would occur if the price increased
when the bank had to purchase new gold to replace the gold it
borrowed. In other words, there was gold to buy. It just couldn't be
too expensive.
There is an unbelievable amount of gold in the world...India alone
imports over 500 tons a year just to make jewelry!!
Or, as noted in this lawsuit itself, "...5,000 to well over 10,000
metric tonnes, or several years of annual production." - meaning that
thousands of tons of gold are mined annually.
Compare that to how little was kept in the WTC compared to what is
mined each year..."The basements of the World Trade Center also
contained vast vaults used by the COMEX metals trading division of the
New York Mercantile Exchange. Some 3,800 gold bars, weighing 12 tons
and worth more than $100 million, lie buried under the mountains of
rubble left after the attack. Authorities say the gold has never been
safer." <http://www.public-action.com/911/jmcm/wtc1.html>
The complaint of gold price manipulation is fairly common. Here is a
website on a lawsuit filed by Blanchard and Company, a top retail
dealer in rare coins and precious metals in the United States. This
Anti-Trust lawsuit accuses Barrick Gold Corporation and J.P. Morgan
Chase and Company of unlawfully combining to actively manipulate the
price of gold and making (US) $2 Billion in short selling profits by
suppressing the price of gold at the expense of individual investors.
Plus more on that particular lawsuit from The Wall Street Journal at
< http://www.thestreet.com/pf/markets/aarontaskfree/10059395.html >
Here are some more articles about gold price manipulation...
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas this week (2/14/02) introduced
legislation designed to curb the ability of the President or the
Treasury Secretary to manipulate worldwide gold prices.
< http://www.gata.org/ronpaul2.html >
A Canadian high-school teacher is attempting to force U.S. Treasury
Secretary Paul O'Neill to publicly respond to charges that his
department has manipulated U.S. gold policy in the past.
< http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=23917 >
Google search: "manipulate price of gold" - you will find lots more
info on gold price manipulation using this phrase.
The deal is...if, indeed, as claimed, the price of gold has been fixed
for years, there was no reason for the banks to steal the gold at the
World Trade Center. They could buy it for the same price or less than
they borrowed it for. It would only be if the price went up
significantly that there would be a problem. And there wasn't a
To track the price of gold on the world market for the past 5 years,
go to
< http://www.kitco.com/charts/livegold.html> and click on 5 Year Gold
Chart. Among other things, you will see that there was almost no
difference between the price of gold in July and September 2001.
There was a spike in October (due, presumably to 9/11) but then it
dropped again in November. There has definitely been a significant
increase since then, but nothing during the time leading to 9/11.
As far as your concern re: "This could also be a case of insurance
fraud for what I understand, gold borrowed at this level, must be
insured for every conceivable possibility." - this is an incorrect
assumption on your part.
First, the gold didn't disappear. The gold was officially returned to
the global bullion trade in November 2001
<http://www.rediff.com/money/2001/nov/17wtc.htm> The recovery started
October 1, 2001 by 'heavily armed federal agents, city policemen and
Second, gold borrowed at this level is not 'insured for every
conceivable possibility'. Indeed, when governments borrow gold, they
self-insure...which means there's no insurance at all!
In conclusion, you are worrying unnecessarily. The gold wasn't
stolen. The price of gold hadn't changed so the banks weren't going
to be affected. Indeed, I would suggest that they were far more
seriously affected by the collapse of the trade towers, the subsequent
shutting down of lower Manhattan, and its effect on the economy.
Hopefully this will reassure you.
If you would like a clarification of any of this, please don't
hesitate to ask. Thanks for using Google Answers! |