Hello igabe-ga,
An important consideration is how much you want to reveal about
yourself. Some askers have used their real names as screen names,
posted their email addresses, and provided other identifying
information about themselves. However, the Google Answers FAQ states:
"To protect your privacy, we recommend that you not post your email
address or any other personal information about yourself on Google
Answers. The site is available for public viewing and may be indexed
and crawled by search engines. ..."
"Google Answers: Frequently Asked Questions - Should I post my email
address to Google Answers if someone asks for it?"
Google Answers
Everyone can see your question -- potentially including college
administrators, your high school teachers, and your fellow students.
Therefore, you might not want to post anything from which someone
could identify you (or identify the teachers who have written
recommendations for you, especially if the teachers don't want their
letters displayed to the general public).
I recommend that you summarize the most significant information about
yourself and your academic background. That way, you'll safeguard
your privacy, while still giving enough information to the
Here are some issues that you may want to address in your question:
What scores did you receive on the SAT, ACT, and/or AP tests?
What was your grade point average (or other measure of your average
grade) in high school?
Did you take mainly "advanced" or "regular" classes (assuming that
your school divides classes in this way)?
What college have you already applied to? What colleges are you
seriously thinking about? Why have you focused on these colleges?
Do you want to attend a two-year or a four-year college (or perhaps a
longer program, such as combining college with business studies)?
(This might already be clear from your response to the previous
Would you prefer -- or do you need -- to attend a college in a certain
part of the country? If so, which part, specifically?
Do you intend to live on campus or commute from your home?
What sizes of campus and student body do you prefer: large, small, or
somewhere in between?
Do you prefer a more serious school, a party school, or somewhere in
Do you prefer an urban, rural, or suburban setting?
Are there other features of a college that are especially important to
What academic subject(s) do you think you want to focus on?
What kinds of extracurricular activities were you actively involved
in, and what work experiences have you had? What kinds of
extracurricular activities do you want to be involved in at college?
What resources (books, web sites, etc.) have you consulted already?
I note that in other questions, you have mentioned that you are
thinking of going to college at a younger age than usual, that you
have graduated from high school, that you have missed most college
deadlines, and that you are willing to travel outside the United
States. You might want to address these circumstances as well,
especially whether you are willing to consider colleges for next year
whose deadlines you missed this year.
You should write all of this information as concisely as possible. A
Researcher who sees a very long question might decide that it is not
worth the trouble.
Finally, you should indicate your criteria for a sufficient answer:
one-paragraph descriptions of three appropriate colleges, for example,
or something more?
Good luck with your question, and in finding the college that's right
for you!
- justaskscott-ga |