Hi stewarttracy,
With the "face" of Michael Jackson all over television last week,
interest in cosmetic surgery seems to be at an all time high. I was
even channel surfing last night between Saturday Night Live and a
plastic surgery special on Entertainment Tonight. But, before all
this current hoopla, like you, I marveled a couple of years ago at the
visage of the woman who had intentionally made herself into something
not generally seen perambulating the aisles at Kroger: a jungle cat.
You are recalling the story of JOCELYNE WILDENSTEIN, a New York
socialite. I've never been entirely sure what a "socialite" is -
apparently it is someone with wildly too much money and time at their
disposal, and a view of the universe differing dramatically from that
of most citizens. At least that would be how many folks would
characterize Ms. Wildenstein. But, perhaps we are too harsh - "walking
in the other person's moccasins" and all that.
Ms. Wildenstein was born to a middle class family in Lausanne,
Switzerland approximately 55 years ago. She was able to leverage her
good looks and shrewdly developed skills at hunting at small airplane
piloting into a marriage with Alec Wildenstein, a billionaire art
dealer born in France, but residing mainly in New York when not
hunting on his 66,000 acre Kenyan estate.
I could, of course, recount this entire story here, but it's more fun
to read it on the web pages I found for you. That way, while reading a
story richer (so to speak) in incredible details and cautionary
lessons than most, you can look at pictures unlike any to be seen
Here's the tale's crude overview, with the requisite guest plastic
surgeon's speculation as to the actual extent of the legendary
Wildenstein facial surgery (which, like Mr. Jackson, she
disingenuously denies, save a single face lift). This is from
etonline.com (ET, as in "Entertainment Tonight" - plastic surgery is
obviously popular with this show's producers):
For a much more interesting recounting of Ms. Wildenstein's career as
a "society wife", this site entitled "Divas - The Site" is far more
satisfying. Few things can make me chuckle out loud before my first
cup of coffee, but this, probably apocryphal, claim that "several
prospective patients ran screaming from [the surgeon's] office, so
concerned were they that they would end up looking like Jocelyne" did
the trick. Don't worry - when you read this tale, you'll be satisfied
I haven't prematurely revealed the best stuff:
To help you put all this information in perspective, I recommend this
website of "The Top 100 Train Wrecks of the Twentieth Century". You
may be disappointed that Jocelyne Wildenstein is not considered by the
site's creators to be the Number One Wreck of the Twentieth Century
(that honor falling, inexplicably to rapper Ol' Dirty Bastard), but
she did slide in at the Number Two spot, beating out such other
notable wrecks as Michael Jackson (although Mr. Jackson is continuing
to hone his image and could well be the only person on this list for
two centuries running - we'll just have to wait 97 years to see),
Howard Hughes, and Klaus Kinski:
Right now you're probably saying to yourself, "Sure, Google has
provided the answer to my posted question, but what about 'before and
after' pics?" Well, we aim to please:
Obviously, many more sites could be provided for a face as well
publicized as Jocelyne Wildenstein's, but I'm actually beginning to
feel just a little guilty for going on at such length about what is
obviously, in the end, a human tragedy of sorts. Many of us, I fear,
given extraordinary circumstances of freakish wealth and great
unhappiness might well act as strangely. I wish Ms. Wildenstein well,
and hope I've answered your question satisfactorily. Thanks for asking
Google search terms used:
plastic surgery new york cat
jocelyne wildenstein
Ps. Stewart, when you ask a question as firmly rooted in weird as
yours, peripheral issues of a similar eccentric quality are bound to
surface. New York is also home to an over-the-top artist/party
crasher/cab driver named Richard Osterweil. Mr. Osterweil has
conveniently made available paintings of Ms. Wildenstein for you to
view and perhaps even purchase for your own collection:
More of Mr. Osterweil's story, strange and engrossing in its own
right, are here:
http://www.richardosterweil.com/html/painting.html |