Steiner embraced the therapeutic use of color based on theories of the
"four temprements" and "humors." The humors are our ruling passions,
derived from the original Latin meaning of the word, which signified
"liquid." In the 1600s, physicians understood the four humors to
signify patterns of speech, behavior and other qualities that
predominate in a human being. The four primary humours are blood,
phlegm, choler (yellow bile) and melancholy (black bile), which are
presumed to dominate a person's temperament.
"Melancholic: "In the melancholic the physical body is master over the
others. Melancholics feel they are not master over their body, that
they cannot bend it to their will. The physical body, which is
intended to be an instrument of the higher members, is itself in
control, and frustrates the others. Melancholics experience this as
pain, as a feeling of despondency. Pain continually wells up within
them because the physical body resists the etheric body's inner sense
of well-being, the astral body's liveliness, and the ego's purposeful
Steiner related color to form, shape, and sound. He suggested that the
vibrational quality of certain colors is amplified by some forms, and
that certain combinations of color and shape have either destructive
or regenerative effects on living organisms.
Closely aligned to this theory is the ancient alchemical system of
healing based on seven metals: gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron,
tin and lead.
They correspond respectively to the planets sun, moon, mercury, venus,
mars, jupiter and saturn. These in turn correspond with certain key
qualities or personalities
Similarly the planets and metals correspond to certain colours.
saturn - lead - black, dark colours, purple, violet, indigo
"Persons with an excess of Lead are dark and heavy, rather sombre or
gloomy, rather depressed..."
If you have an excess of this one metal in your life you reduce its
effect by pushing it further away from you, by discarding all colours
etc that relate to it and adopt qualities, colours, etc, that are its
opposite. This will neutralise its overall effect and restore the
In his `anthroposophical medicine', it is quite clear that Steiner has
drawn together parts of Alchemy, Occultism, Hippocratic notions of the
4 Temperaments and Humours and large parts of Herbalism and
Steiner, Rudolph (1951) The Anthroposophical Approach to Medicine,
Steiner Press, London
Steiner, Rudolph & Ita Wegman (1967) Fundamentals of Therapy, Steiner
Press, London
Steiner, Rudolph (1975) Spiritual Science and Medicine, Steiner Press,
Steiner, Rudolph (c1950) The Four Temperaments
Steiner, Rudolph (c1950) The Metaphysical Significance of the Blood
Search strategy: Rudolf Steiner black; Rudolph Steiner colors;
Anthroposophy black
Nellie Bly
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