Hello rwh1955,
Thank you for your question.
There appears to be quite a bit of information and studies available
on the Net on Mr. Nasser. I searched ["Jaques Nasser" +management OR
style] to find:
McGraw Hill Online Learning Ceneter
Question: How would you evaluate Jacques Nasser as a leader?
This case discusses the factors that impacted Jacques Nasser in his
leadership role at Ford Motor Company. Some of the issues identified
include: (1) his aggressive and controversial leadership style, (2)
Nasser's desire to rapidly change Ford's corporate standing in the
industry, and (3) his lack of time spent on the actual "running" of
the day-to-day organizational operation...
...The following articles will provide insight into the opening case
study and Jacques Nasser's leadership style:
The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Better Not Faster
Robinson Edward. "The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Better Not
Faster." Business 2.0. May 2001. p 1-2.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Back to the Back End
Robinson Edward. "The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Back to the Back
End." Business 2.0. May 2001. p 1-2.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: The Internal Makeover
Robinson Edward. "The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: The
InternalMakeover." Business 2.0. May 2001. p 1-3.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Rewiring the Front End
Robinson Edward. "The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser: Rewiring the
Front End." Business 2.0. May 2001. p 1-2.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser
Robinson Edward. "The Re-Education of Jacques Nasser." Business 2.0.
May 2001. p 1-3. http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,14721,
FF.html. Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
Ford's Board to Grill Nasser
Truby Mark & Howes Daniel. "Ford's Board to Grill Nasser." The Detroit
News. July 11, 2001. p 1-3.
http://detnews.com/2001/autos/0107/11/a01-246117.htm Retrieved on-line
April 2, 2002.
Nasser Out as Ford CEO
Jacques Nasser on Transformation
Data from "Jacques Nasser on Transformation." April 3, 2001. p 1-3.
Retrieved on-line April 2, 2002.
Ford Motor: Hit the Road, Jacques
Ackman Dan."Ford Motor: Hit the Road, Jacques." Forbes. October 30,
2001. p 1-3. http://www.forbes.com/2001/10/30/1030topnews.html.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
Jacques Nasser: Crunch Time for Jac
Taylor Alex. "Jacques Nasser: Crunch Time for Jac." Fortune. June 25,
2001. p 1-6. http://www.fortune.com/index.jhtml?doc_id=203055&channel=artcol.jhtml&_DARGS=%2Ffragments%2Ffrg_industry_relat.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
Commentary: Ford: Jacques Nasser Can't Do It All
Data from "Commentary: Ford: Jacques Nasser Can't Do It All." Business
Week. June 18, 2001. p 1-3.
Retrieved on-line March 22, 2002.
Can Bill Ford Get Ford Rolling?
Meredith Robyn. "Can Bill Ford Get Ford Rolling?" Forbes. October 30,
2001. p 1-3. http://www.forbes.com/2001/10/30/1031ford.html. Retrieved
on-line March 22, 2002.
Ford's Finale
Patsuris Penelope. "Ford's Finale." Forbes. January 11, 2002. p 1-3.
http://www.forbes.com/2002/01/11/0111ford.html. Retrieved on-line
March 22, 2002 "
What a wealth of information!
Here are some other good links for you:
A Sibson Consulting Publication
Avoiding the Best Practices Trap
By Jim Kochanski, Marc Knez and Chip Thomas
"...A recent notable example of a best practices trap occurred when
Ford Motor Company, under then CEO Jacque Nasser, adopted GEs ABC
performance ranking system. The ABC system continues to be an
integral part of the performance management system implemented by Jack
Welch at GE and some other high performing companies. Nasser adopted
the system in an effort to ratchet up the performance culture at Ford.
Unfortunately, it backfired..."
Dealer Mail
Interesting comments by Ford product dealers. Search the page for
A Leadership Interview with Nasser
"Be Yourself. Be Your Own Brand"
I trust my research will provide you with good resources for your
paper. If a link above should fail to work or anything require further
explanation, please do post a Request for Clarification and I will be
pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |