Please note that "transgender" and "transsexual" are not synonymous.
Transgender is a much wider term, it includes *all* people who feel
that the gender they were assigned is a wrong or incomplete
description of themselfes, and transgender includes transsexuals,
cross-dressers, gender-benders, many (but not all) intersexuals and
more. Transgender people want to change their gender either
permanently or temporarily, to anything other than their originally
assigned gender. That may or may not include any of the available
medical procedures (Hormones, surgery, etc.).
Transsexuals are a far more narrow defined group, and wish to change
from "the one" gender to "the other", and who also wish to change
"sex", that is their gender-definig physical characteristics. (Flat
chest <-> breast, vagina <-> penis, beard or <-> beard, etc.)
The term "gender confliced" sounds rather strange, too; especially
since by no means everybody who is transgender feels that this is per
definition a conflict. "Transgender people" therefore will do
perfectly well.
Androgyny therefore can be the end for some transgender people, who
wish to appear as ambiguous, or as falling out of the male-female
binary system. Obviously, that can lead to social problems.
It is at best a passing thing for transsexuals, though, since it is
one of the defining characteristics of transsexualism, that one wishes
to present a traditional gender.
Also, "Androgyny" is not exactly easy to achieve, especially for
people who are past their teens. By then, most people's bodies are to
obviously the one or the other to be able to appear androgynous.
As to what it does to people appearing that way, voluntarily or
otherwise, and how it is achieved, those are extremely individual
questions which depend on a lot of factors; therefore a general answer
is impossible.
And I would not pay too much attention to people declaring the decline
of any society to a culture of androgyny, or the role of women, or
gays and lesbians, or any religion, or any such usually badly
supported claims. There is a word for books like these, and that word
is "junk science".
In the case of Rome, one could just as well (and just as
unconvincingly) argue that Rome thrived as long as debauchery thrived,
and declined after Christianism won over the older religions. Then
again, it might be *much* safer and sounder to take into account
thinks like the migration of whole nations at the time. |