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Q: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table ( No Answer,   4 Comments )
Subject: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table
Category: Computers > Programming
Asked by: pmclinn-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 13 Feb 2003 07:09 PST
Expires: 20 Feb 2003 13:31 PST
Question ID: 160882
I'm 3/4 of the way through a project and I'm stuck on the last part.
I have created a web page, that has a file import dialog box.  The
users click on an "upload" button and it asks them for the path to a
Comma Deliminated file [.rdl] after selecting the file,the path to the
file is saved in an object named UploadRequestForm("file") [Note: not
request.form("file")], and the users are directed to a new web page.

Now I have the new path of the file saved in the
UploadRequestForm("File") waiting to be pulled in and I want to upload
the contents of this file to a sql 2000 server.

Recap- my question is, I need Cut & Paste code that will allow me to
import-append this comma delimated file into SQL Server server table.

My Comma deliminated file looks like this:

My table looks like this:
IDKey - Primary Key, increments automatically
Record Number - First field in the comma delimated file (integer)
Name - 2nd field in the comma delaminated file.  (varchar 50)

Clarification of Question by pmclinn-ga on 13 Feb 2003 08:06 PST
Yes Asp.

Clarification of Question by pmclinn-ga on 19 Feb 2003 15:15 PST
Please release question if your not able to complete the answer.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table
From: stinger_60284-ga on 13 Feb 2003 07:51 PST
What programming language you are using?
I can give you an example how to import comma delimeted file into SQL
server using ASP.

Please confirm.
Subject: Re: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table
From: stinger_60284-ga on 13 Feb 2003 08:04 PST
Since you mentioned IIS, I assume you are using ASP.

Here is the code to get it:

set fso = server.CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\YourPath\YourFileName", 1) ' 1: For Reading
do until f.AtEndOfStream
  sContent = f.ReadLine
  arrField = Split(sContent, ",")
  iRecNumber = arrField(0)
  sName      = arrField(1)
  sSQL = "INSERT INTO yourtableName(recordNumber,Name) " & _
         "VALUES(" & iRecNumber & ", '" & sName & "')"
  ' Execute your SQL statement here 

set f = nothing
set fso = nothing


Hope that helps.
Subject: Re: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table
From: pmclinn-ga on 13 Feb 2003 08:05 PST
VB and Javascript.
I'm asking for you to give me an example?
Subject: Re: Upload Comma Deliminated File From IIS Directory and Append Results to Sql Table
From: pmclinn-ga on 13 Feb 2003 08:10 PST
Would you finish this, looks good:

Sql Server name is ServerName
Table is TestingTable
user is SA
Pass is Test

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