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Q: for missy (dim anti estrogen ( Answered,   0 Comments )
Subject: for missy (dim anti estrogen
Category: Health > Alternative
Asked by: anonymous777-ga
List Price: $80.00
Posted: 13 Feb 2003 11:12 PST
Expires: 15 Mar 2003 11:12 PST
Question ID: 160970
i just started taking 300mg of dim(diindryomethane) i cant spell! i
want to know all the effects of this and on hairloss!! does it
increase dht levels??

Clarification of Question by anonymous777-ga on 13 Feb 2003 13:13 PST
and for a good tip can you find out about zinc and hairloss and how
much to take??? thanks!! not topical zinc only oral!

Request for Question Clarification by missy-ga on 13 Feb 2003 13:22 PST
Hi Johnny!

I'm on it.

Preliminary research isn't showing a connection between DIM and
hairloss - it seems it's supposed to help prevent certain kinds of
cance?  I have piles more to look through, though.

I'll add oral zinc to the list!


Clarification of Question by anonymous777-ga on 13 Feb 2003 13:46 PST
DIM: Di-Indolin or Diindolylmethane or Diindolymethane (sic) is
probably the most powerful of the anti-aromatase supplements. Actually
not anti-aromatase at all but stops estrogen from changing into
estradiol. In my experience it is at least 2 to 3 time more poweful
than chrysin. Probably due to its absorption rather than its action.
Double strength dimm by Enzymatic Therapy and DIM by natures way are
the only products I tried and were too effective causing causing
urgency of urination and a number of side effects. You will need to
have your anti-DHT level re-adjusted if using this supplement plus use
a phyto-estrogen to eliminate the excess estrogen. I just havn't made
it work as well as it should and went back to nettle root. Too
difficult to dose."

what does this mean??? if it increases testosterone then i will lose
hair! dht is the main cause of hairloss! but i dont know how to
understand this!

Request for Question Clarification by missy-ga on 13 Feb 2003 15:10 PST
I'm just as flummoxed as you are, my friend.  As I'm sure you're
already well aware, most pages discussing DIM are those trying to
*sell* it to you.  Those aren't the most accurate place to gather

Let me fill you in on how things are progressing.

My first step was to search on [ Diindolylmethane "hair loss" ].  None
of the pages I found mentioned a direct connection between DIM and
hair loss, focusing more on anti-cancer effects.  Many of them are
quite complex, and have been bookmarked for further reading.

Next, I searched on [ Diindolylmethane "side effects" ].  Again, no
mention of a direct connection between DIM and hair loss, but lots of
pages mentioning them.  These also need to be read more closely.  Most
of them discuss the role of DIM and crucifers in cancer prevention.

Another set of search terms, [ Diindolylmethane "DHT" ], has turned up
82 results, with varying degrees of usefulness.  I found this:

"Q. I have some signs of MPB. Will "andro" prohormones worsen the

Yes. If you are concerned with MPB, I would not recommend the 
Andro Sports Creme as it may increase hair loss. Any time you increase
testosterone levels you will also increase DHT levels which is more
androgenic and promote hair loss in those who are susceptible. It is
also possible that andro in of itself may also play a small role. See
the research below.

4-androstenediol shares similar androgenic and anabolic activities to
testosterone (128% as androgenic, 95% as anabolic, Acta
Endocrinologica, 42 (1963) 245-253). Regardless of conversion. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 1996 Oct;81(10):3654-62"

Hair Loss

...but I've yet to determine if DIM is one of these "pro-hormones" -
it's mentioned in a sidebar on the page, but the link leads to a
discussion of DIM's estrogen balancing effects, with no mention of
hair loss.

Using the same search terms, I found a recommendation that those
concerned with DHT production and hair loss consider using Saw
Palmetto (Serenoa):

" In a study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, Dr.
Sultan reported that Serenoa contains sterol like compounds that block
the conversion of testosterone to DHT (Sultan, 1984). This binding
site inhibition increases the breakdown and excretion of
dihydrotestosterone and is believed to be the reason for the superior
results obtained when saw palmetto berry is used as compared to the
results obtained from using Proscar™. Proscar™ inhibits DHT
production, but not the binding of DHT to receptor sites."

Saw Palmetto Extract is an Effective Alternative


I have a call in to Patricia Bassett at Bassett Health Foods.  She's
not expected to be back in the store until tomorrow, however, though
it's entirely possible she may call me back anyway.

Additionally, I sent the following letter to Norman Rose, proprietor
of The Hormone Shop:

---------------BEGIN MESSAGE------------------------

Subject: Some questions about DIM

Hi there!

I'm a researcher trying to track down information for a customer
today, and I have to admit to being confused by all of the information
available about DIM.

My client is currently taking 300mg DIM daily.  He would like to know

1)  DIM can cause or hasten hair loss (can you direct me to sources
explaining why or why not?)

2)  DIM will raise DHT levels?

I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide.  Thank you for
your kind attention to this query.

Maggie (missy-ga)
Google Answers Researcher 
When you're searching for information, Google Answers

--------------------END MESSAGE----------------------

Mr. Rose sent the following reply just minutes ago:

-------------------BEGIN MESSAGE----------------------

Subject: RE: Some questions about DIM
To: Maggie <missy@missy>


Never heard of such side effects.  My guess is that there is something
going on.

Sorry to be of such little help.

Thank you for the visit and query.

Norman Rose
The Hormone Shop, LLC

---------------------END MESSAGE--------------------


I'm still digging through all of the information to get an answer for
you.  It's going to take some time to sift through it all - I want you
to have an *accurate* answer, not just a fast one.

Please bear with me while I track down additional sources.  I will
most likely make a trip out to speak to someone at GNC (General
Nutrition Centers), as well as at Claudia's Health Foods (another shop
I frequent and trust to give me accurate information).  I will look
into DIM and increased testosterone production as well as go through
the sources I've already found.  It's going to take some time to get
it all properly sorted.


Clarification of Question by anonymous777-ga on 13 Feb 2003 15:35 PST
thank you take ur time! if you can get me a strait answer that could
be backed up ,i can make this a 100$ question for ur reasech and time!
dont bother with gnc and health food places because they dont know
anything! check with doctors,endocrinologists, or anybody that know
about hormones! the more you do the more i will give  you! dim stops
estrogen and waht happens? thanks for your help! if you want to take a
break on the dim can you try the zinc? i take 50mg daily!

Request for Question Clarification by missy-ga on 13 Feb 2003 16:51 PST
Sure, let's switch gears for a little bit, because DIM is making me

I'll place the zinc information down in the answer box, and continue
on with the DIM information in clarifications once that's all sorted
out.  Is that OK with you? (It's getting kind of cluttered up here in
the RFCs!)

Subject: Re: for missy (dim anti estrogen
Answered By: missy-ga on 13 Feb 2003 18:05 PST
Here's what the Ohio State University has to say about Zinc:

"Why do we need zinc?

Zinc, a mineral, plays an important role in the formation of protein
in the body and thus, assists in wound healing, blood formation, and
general growth and maintenance of all tissues. Zinc is a component of
many enzymes and thus, is involved in most metabolic processes."

Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet - Zinc 

The US RDA for Zinc is fifteen milligrams per day.   Johnny, you’re
taking more than three times the RDA!  Did your doctor tell you to do
that? If he didn’t, you should cut back right away and discuss a good
dosage with him.

What about Zinc and hair loss?  

“Too much or too little zinc can cause hair loss.”

Hair Loss Treatment: Zinc for Hair Loss  - Safety/Side Effects likewise notes that overuse of vitamins can cause hair

“There are many different causes of hair loss. Causes for losing hair,
thinning hair or baldness can range from zinc deficiency or excessive
use of vitamins to alopecia areata, crash dieting, damaging hair care
practice, thyroid abnormalities, serious illness, and severe emotional

Hair Loss - Male Pattern Baldness, Male Hair Loss 

One should * never * take more than the RDA of any vitamin or mineral,
except under the supervision of a physician.  It’s OK to get more than
the RDA from your diet, but you should never exceed it on purpose,
because such tactics can (and often do) effect more harm than good.

According to at least one source, Zinc is not a cure for hair loss:

"I believe the short answer to whether zinc is a cure for hair loss -
is NO! Just because zinc supplements are frequently used by women to
treat hair loss, hair thinning and alopecia arreata, this does not
mean that lack of zinc is the main cause of hair loss. Zinc is
important for normal hair health; and when zinc deficiency is really
severe, then hair loss can occur as part of widespread changes in the
body. In this case, zinc treatment corrects all the signs including
new luxuriant normal hair growth within months. However, most
dernmatologists believe that the diet invariably provides sufficient
zinc for normal hair growth without adding extra supplements.


The number of diseases/abnormalities for which zinc has been
recommended (without objective evidence) reflect the knowledge gained
from known symptoms and signs of proven deficiency, and its normal
functions in the body e.g. acne, alcoholism, Altzheimer's disease,
anorexia, anthrax, body odour, bulaemia, Crohn's disease, viral
infections, diabetes, wound healing, psoriasis - and hair loss! One
must reiterate that hair loss alone, with no other symptoms or signs,
is never due to zinc deficiency - the diet copes."

Zinc supplements: a cure for hair loss? - Dr. Rodney Dawber, Oxford
Hair Foundation

ABC News references zinc deficiency as a contributing factor in hair
loss, but makes no claims about zinc as a cure:

Dandruff and hair loss are both conditions associated with zinc
deficiency. Zinc is a mineral that promotes cell reproduction and
tissue growth and repair. Zinc also functions in the maintenance of
the oil-secreting glands attached to hair follicles. The reference
daily intake of zinc is 15 milligrams for the average adult."

Diet and Hair Loss takes a blunt, pragmatic approach, suggesting that
zinc is not a cure for hair loss, but if your hair loss is caused by
severe zinc deficiency, you can slow the loss down:

“If you’re looking for a cure for male pattern baldness, you won’t
find it here. Hair loss is a trait inherited through the maternal side
of the family.

If your mom’s dad or her brothers are bald, the cards are stacked
against you. Unless you’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars a year
on hair-raising new drugs that may or may not produce results, you’ll
just have to resign yourself to a future of diminishing strands.


When a mineral or vitamin deficiency is at the root of your hair loss,
you simply need to correct the deficiency. Maybe it’s the result of
improper digestion, or perhaps you’re not absorbing the necessary
vitamins and minerals as well as you need to, notes Elizabeth Wotton,
N.D., a naturopathic doctor at Compass Family Health Center in
Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Deficiencies of selenium and zinc generally lead to hair loss,
researchers have observed. These minerals aid in immune function and
in the utilization of protein that your body needs to help produce

Selenium and zinc are known as trace minerals because the body does
not need large amounts of them. Normally, plants get these minerals
from the soil, animals get them from plants, and humans acquire their
needed amounts of trace minerals with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


You can also try taking 30 milligrams of zinc daily and see if you
stop losing hair or even start to grow it back, says Dr. Wotton. If
your hair loss is due to a zinc deficiency, you could see regrowth in
as little as a week. You should talk to a doctor before taking this
amount of zinc, however.”

hair loss notes that while there is no cure for hair loss,
Zinc may help regulate the immune system (which helps keep hair from
running away):

Oral zinc has been shown to be of occasional benefit in Alopecia
Areata and appears to modulate the immune system in high doses.
Unfortunately, high doses of zinc may cause gastrointestinal side
effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.”

Hair Loss Information:  Medical Treatments For Alopecia Areata 

Will Brink, who has been mentioned elsewhere as a “Hair Guru”, seems
to agree with Dr. Dawber (above):

“"I don't think you are going to notice any great changes in hair
growth good or bad from oral zinc honestly and zinc only raises T in
deficiency states (i.e. its not a stimulator of T per se). A lack of
zinc is of course bad for your health, so general recommendation would
be to get adequate zinc in your diet along with all the other
essential nutrients we need, and forget about real pro and con issues
of oral zinc supps. I do think topical zinc and selenium
products/shampoos may be mildly helpful for MPB”


He discusses Zinc and other vitamins and minerals on his Question and
Answer page, and notes that he doesn’t lend much credence to any of
them assisting in hair regrowth because there have been no tests on

“For example, saw palmetto is often sold as being able to prevent the
production of DHT. There are other lesser known nutrients and herbs
that show promise. Zinc, copper, cactus flower, fatty acids such as
GLA and alpha linoleic acid, as well as others. The problem is that
none of them have been looked at in vivo, that is in living animals or

Most of these studies come from test tube (in vitro) research. What
goes in a test tube and what goes on in an ultra complex biological
system (i.e. us humans) is two very different things. Some companies
like to make a big deal out of test tube research to sell you
something, but I wont recommend these nutrients for preventing DHT
related problems until I see either "real world" effects or in vivo
research. That's why you didn't see them mentioned in the article. We
just simply need more research with these things.”

Will Brink Q&A

Professor Harry Seftel at wasn’t impressed with a caller’s
use of zinc tablets to treat his alopecia:

“Prof Harry: Zinc? I’ll be perfectly honest I’ve not heard of zinc
tablets for this condition. Can you go back to that dermatologist
because obviously your condition has not gotten any better. This is
not an easy condition to treat because we don’t understand the cause
and therefore we don’t have a cure for it. But we can try and control
it in various ways. A dermatologist should know about that.”

Medically Speaking – Hair Loss 

“Many people recommend various non-scientific treatments for hair
loss, including vitamins, zinc, tyrosine, amino acids, hair lotions,
tonics, etc. None of these has been shown to promote hair growth or
prevent hair loss.

Each year new treatments are recommended by non-medical practitioners.
A recent example is the use of lasers and again there is not
scientific evidence to support its use. If in doubt, check with your
doctor before committing to any of these treatments.”



So what does all this mean?  

To summarize it, oral Zinc supplements are not scientifically proven
to aid in hair regrowth * unless * your hair loss is caused by a
severe Zinc deficiency.  There have been no FDA studies conducted
which would indicate otherwise.

Most sources not bent on selling you Zinc supplements agree:  research
in this area is insufficient to make a compelling case for Zinc being
a realistic remedy for hair loss.  While Zinc does have its own
nutritional benefits, one should not take more than the RDA of this
mineral except under the supervision of a health care provider,
because ingesting too much will not help, and may in fact accomplish
exactly the opposite of your intentions.

Although topical Zinc application has shown some benefits in slowing
hair loss, oral Zinc supplements have not, and should only be used in
their recommended dosages.  Drop that intake down to 15 milligrams a
day, and boost your seafood consumption instead!

I hope this has answered your questions about Zinc and hair loss. 
I’ll continue on now with untangling the information I have about DIM.

Of course, if I’ve been unclear, or you need more information, just
ask and I’ll be glad to help!


Search terms: [ zinc “hair loss” ]

DIM research in progress.

Clarification of Answer by missy-ga on 13 Feb 2003 23:09 PST
Hi there!

As promised, here is the continuation of my research for you, focusing
on the supplement DIM and its effects (or lack thereof) on hair loss.

This has certainly been interesting research!  Let’s break it down:

What’s DIM?

DIM, or diindolylmethane, is an extract from vegetables such as
broccoli and cauliflower which is said to help metabolize (process)
estrogen and prevent estrogen buildup.  Decreased estrogen
metabolization can lead to obesity, atherosclerosis and heart attack
and has also been linked with some cancers,including breast, uterine
and prostate cancer.

“DIM (diindolylmethane - preferred to I3C, indole-3-carbinol):
phytonutrient from cruciferous vegetables of Brassica genus (cabbage,
broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts), with three-day old broccoli
sprouts containing the highest content of DIM); eliminates estrogen by
increasing enzyme activity. DIM boosts "good" estrogens (2-hydroxy),
and reduces "bad" estrogens (16-hydroxy and 4-hydroxy) estrones (there
are high 16-hydroxy levels in beast cancer). Benign prostate
enlargement and some prostate cancer may be related to estrogen (not
testosterone) buildup.”

Male Hormones 

“Diindolylmethane (DIM) is another substance found in cruciferous
vegetables. Test tube and animal studies suggest that it may help
protect against breast cancer. However, no clinical trials with cancer
patients given DIM have yet been published.”

Health benefits and concerns

What Does DIM Do?

DIM interacts with certain enzymes in the body to help increase levels
of testosterone, and decrease levels of estrogen.  It is this decrease
in estrogen which is said to be beneficial in preventing certain
cancers.  DIM is intended to restore balance between levels of
estrogen and testosterone (androgens) to slow the aging process and
maintain an even libido.

DIM appears to be popular with bodybuilders, who use DIM supplements
to boost testosterone and suppress estrogen.  Elevated levels of
testosterone allow an increase in muscle mass.

“Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the most active and effective substance
within cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale
toward promoting beneficial estrogen metabolism.

Di-Indolin providing diindolylmethane, (DIM) has been shown to
consistantly increase this critical ratio by 75% of the “good” (2
hydroxy) estrogen’s which bind blood proteins (SHBG), to greatly
increased levels of Free Testosterone”

.Diindolylmethane Decreases the “bad estrogen" (16-hydroxyestrone) by

“Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the dietary connection to a better
metabolism. DIM, a natural phytonutrient (plant nutrient) found in
cruciferous vegetables, improves metabolism -- the breakdown and
synthesis of substances in the body -- by adjusting the balance of
testosterone and estrogen, hormones that are active in both sexes.”

Introduction to DIM (Diindolylmethane) 

“The same dynamics for maintaining higher total and free testosterone
levels apply to healthy aging in men. Estrogen metabolism slows as men
age, especially when coupled with obesity and regular alcohol use.
Avoiding overactive testosterone metabolism, and reducing the
conversion of testosterone into estrogen are goals of nutritional
support in middle-aged and older men.

It is well documented that estrogen accumulates in the prostate gland
starting at about age 50 (42) and that estrogen is associated with the
degree of prostate enlargement (43). Based on animal and human
testing, diindolylmethane is again preferable to I3C in the setting of
men’s health. Men using diindolylmethane can minimize or avoid
accelerating their testosterone metabolism, especially the unwanted
conversion of testosterone into estrogen.”

The Cruciferous Choice: Diindolylmethane or I3C?
Phytonutrient Supplements For Cancer Prevention and Health Promotion
by Michael A. Zeligs, M.D. 

“Our preparation contains the highest levels available of this key
phytochemical.  Finally, we have included the powerful anti-estrogen,
Diindolylmethane, -the very latest breakthrough in estrogen
management. This chemical also down-regulates estrogen receptors and
even demonstrates an ability to affect the whole estrogen formation
process via gene expression! Diindolylmethane is, without doubt, the
greatest advancement in natural estrogen reduction ever.

Pro-Test is the worlds first endocrine support system, offering the
most effective natural testosterone elevation possible!”

CNP ProTest

“To boost your masculinity and enhance your body's normal
disease-fighting ability, eat more broccoli, cabbage and Brussels
sprouts. A recent study showed these veggies to be rich in
indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a phyto-chemical known to turn "bad"
estrogens (which shut down testosterone production) into good ones
which help to restore it's production. Fact:bad estrogens were cut in
half when seven healthy men took 500 milligrams of I3C a day for a

Jon Michnovicz, M.d., Ph.D, from Rockefeller University Hospital
stated "we have strong evidence to suggest that indole-3-carbinol is
active; it's doing the right things to the body's hormone system and
it's doing them in a safe and gentle way".

What does this mean to you? Aim for two servings a day of the various
cruciferous vegetables which include broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
cabbage, collards, cress, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, bak choy,
radishes, turnip greens and watercress. If you can't handle these,
300mg of another supplement diindolylmethane (also called DIM or
diindolin) which is derived from I3C does much the same thing.”

Anabolic Hormone(Testosterone) Amplification 

“In men, diminished estrogen metabolism and estrogen accumulation are
central problems associated with aging. DIM strongly promotes it own
metabolism and in doing so increases a more active and beneficial
metabolism of estrogen. This estrogen metabolism is better because it
converts estradiol health promoting 2-hydoxy metabolites. These
metabolites help free testosterone from its binding protein for
greater testosterone activity and can reduce testosterone and estrogen
stimulation of the prostate gland. Together with a healthy diet and
exercise, the metabolic shift from DIM results in a "younger" balance
of testosterone to estrogen. DIM supplementation is compatible with
natural testosterone replacement.”

How is DIM important in Women's and Men's Health? 

Does DIM Increase Testosterone Levels?

“Diindolylmethane is said to raise testosterone activity and to
restore their youthful hormonal balance
(result: better fat burning and more appetite for sex!).”

Athletes’ Nutrition 

From sources consulted thus far, yes, DIM does appear to increase
testosterone levels – particularly “free testosterone”, which makes up
2% of total testosterone.  Free testosterone is the most active
component of testosterone – levels which are too low can cause
fatigue, loss of libido, depression, and loss of strength.

[ Source: A simple way to raise low testosterone levels... ]

Low testosterone levels may be caused by increased estrogen levels. 
DIM is intended to help * balance * these androgens.  In men with
normal testosterone levels, DIM helps increase these levels to aid in
building lean muscle mass and burn off fat.

This is where it can get tricky.  Though DIM is said to help increase
testosterone production, how far it boosts it is unclear and appears
dependent upon several factors, including dosage, diet and exercise. 
Naturally acquired indole (ingested through diet) is thought to be
more beneficial than DIM supplements.  It’s also considered unwise to
use DIM supplements without the advice and supervision of a physician
or nutritionist.

[ Source:  Consultation, Claudia’s Health Foods ]

Does Using DIM Cause Hair Loss?

Although using DIM does help increase testosterone production, I’ve
been unable to establish a clear connection between the use of DIM and
hair loss.

Searching on [ Diindolylmethane "hair loss" ] returned 21 results,
none of which discussed any link to DIM and hair loss.

Google Search Results

Is DIM a “pro-hormone”?

No.  There are two classifications of  “pro-hormones” – testosterone
precursors and nandrolone precursors.

“--Testosterone precursors:

--Nandrolone Precursors:
·19-nor 4-androstenediol
·19-nor 5-androstenediol”


These “pro-hormones” can contribute to hair loss, as discussed in the
RFC above dealing with “andro pro-hormones”.   DIM is sometimes used
in conjunction with certain pro-hormones to aid in balancing androgen
levels (by knocking out “bad” estrogen).

Does Using DIM increase DHT Levels?

Maybe.  Maybe not.  No clear connection has been established either

While DIM usage is said to help increase testosterone production, it
appears that DIM might actually help prevent testosterone from
converting into DHT:

“Although testosterone is a wonderful muscle enhancer it also can
produce negative effects. These negative effects are a result of
testosterone conversion to estrogen and (DHT) Dihydrotestestosterone.
Whether it's the production of natural or synthetic testosterone, a
portion will convert to estrogen, which can lead to increased fat and
water storage.


Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the active constitute or metabolite of (I3C)
Indole-3-carbinol. I3C is a naturally occurring anti-aromatase
component of cruciferous vegetables. When I3C is consumed it is
converted to DIM in the gut. The only problem with I3C is the oral
bioavailability. In other words, a great deal of the compound is
destroyed in the gut. The direct supplementation of DIM provides an
adequate amount of active compound. DIM has been shown to regulate
estrogen by several different mechanisms. This means that it may have
the ability to regulate the aromatization or conversion of
testosterone to estrogen. Diindolylmethane in vivo has been shown to
inhibit the Cytochrome P-450 enzyme responsible for this conversion.”

Adaptive Hormonal Regenerating Agents

Searching on [  diindolylmethane increase "DHT" ] returned only 23
usable results, with only the one noted mentioning any connection
between DIM and DHT.

Google Search Results


Whether or not DIM has an effect on hair loss (either positive or
negative) is not clearly established.  To date there have been no FDA
clinical trials to address either its benefits or side effects.  There
is simply insufficient research available to make an accurate
determination either way.

It would probably be helpful to understand why you’re taking DIM,
considering that it’s primarily used by bodybuilders (which you
haven’t mentioned being ;)  ) and older (50+) men (which IIRC, you’re
definitely not) with prostate concerns.

What benefit are you looking to obtain from use of this supplement? 
If your aim is to slow down the aging process, you’re way ahead of
yourself.  At 21, you don’t need to worry about that just yet.

If your aim is to build more lean muscle mass, you might consider
doing away with DIM and simply changing your diet and exercise
regemins.  Since the use of DIM seems to be linked to increased
testosterone production and the link to DHT is unclear, you might
consider the potential risks of DIM (possible link to increased DHT)
to be greater than the potential benefits (possible quicker
acquisition of lean muscle mass).

Do also keep in mind that when using any dietary supplement, you
should always consult your physician or a nutritionist to make sure
that you’re getting not only the supplements that are most beneficial
for you, but also the correct dosages.  As indicated above, too much *
and * too little of any nutrient or supplement can have ill effects,
and its important to assess whether or not any given supplement will
be of benefit to you.

I hope this has sufficiently untangled the function of DIM for you. 
If I can be of further assistance, please let me know, and I’ll be
glad to help you.

It’s about 2AM EST, probably time for me to engage in serious
communion with my teddy bear.  Good night, Johnny!


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