The question must be read in its entirity. All the terms must be taken
into account.
I would like to know about a consultant (job seeker) company in Spain
to which I could contact, in order to send them my resume (curriculum
vitae) so that they take care of showing my resume intensively to
multiple companies, and they arrange a plan for me, for a week or for
10 days, with several interviews with different companies there in
Spain, so that I could then go only for a week or for 10 days and have
the interviews with those companies (as I live in another country, far
away from Spain, and count only with my holidays to do this).
a) the consultant (job seeker) company must be a professional (*),
well known and important company in the job seekers market of Spain or
at least in the particular state of Spain. (* = must count with
professionals of the human resources area)
b) the consultant (job seeker) company must be specialized in the
field of IT and/or telecommunications, or at least have some
experience in such fields
c) the consultant (job seeker) company must reside in one of the
following cities of Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia or Sevilla.
d) MOST IMPORTANT: the consultant (job seeker) company must (for sure)
offer the kind of services that I am requesting in the "GENERAL IDEA"
e) at least two (2) companies that meet all the previous requirements
must be mentioned.
For both two (2, at least) companies the following data must be part
of the answer:
1) contact information (name of the company, address, telephone,
e-mail address, etc.)
2) paying method and prizes (to pay for the services of the job
seekers company)
3) a description of the services of the company that adjust to the
requirements given above.
4) a contact inside the company which assures that the service I am
requiring exists (and his/her e-mail address)
i) If no company like the described above is found, the answer will
not be accepted.
ii) If only one (1) company like the described above is found, the
answer will be accepted or not depending on the depth of the
information given in the answer and of the relevance of the company
(relative to Spain or to the city it belongs to, always only among the
I purport to make the same question for other countries (Germany and
USA) in the future in case that I am satisfied with the answer. |