Hello swisscheese,
Iīm running win 98 4.10.2222 A
1.) I went to your website http://www.emachineshop.com clicked on
"Download Now
Click and select Open"
2.) I selected "save this program to disk"
3.) After a brief download I got "EMSDownloader.exe de www.12321.com"
"Download completed"
4.) I then saw a small box saying "emachineshop download manager" with
a "Restart" and "Cancel button"
5.) Waited
6.) Waited some more.... (about 2 mins)
7.) Clearley nothing happening so I clicked on "Restart" still
8.) Pressed "Cancel"
9.) From the website I Clicked "Here" where it says "In case of
difficulty downloading: try here and select Open"
10.) I then got the download screen "welcome to the emachine shop set
up program etc.." I then clicked on next, clicked through the
agreement, and selected where to save the program to.
11.) OK, an apparently succesfull installation.
12.) I then double clicked on the icon on "my desktop"
13.) I then got a message saying "downloading price info"
14.) Then I got the welcome message......and was into the program :)
15.) I then selected "create gear" and made a 32 gear made from balsa
wood and machined it with the laser cutter! I then saw the 3D render
of it (impressive!)
16.) I made several different gears out of various materials, and all
seemed to work ok (although I noted that some machining techniques are
not available yet)
17.) I also made a hole in a sheet of Brass Alloy 360 and rendered it
In conclusion:
Everything seemed to work well except that the initial download from
URL http://www.1231.com/ftp/emachineshop/EMSDownloader.exe didnīt
work, but it DID work from
Once the software was installed evrything seemed to work well.
The help manual seems comprehensive and easy to use.
I have no engineering experience, but found the software very easy to
use (I was able to create the 32 toothed gear from balsa wood and
machine it with the laser cutter without refering to any part of the
and good luck!
Best regards
Search strategy:
clicked on http://www.emachineshop.com and followed the instructions |