Glad you like it! Here's a repost, with additional info:
Need a custom part? Need it fast? Look no further. eMachineShop is
the point-and-click answer to getting the custom parts you need right
now. Simply download our free design software, draw up your design
specifications, and click to order -- your part will be machined and
delivered to you at twice the speed and half the cost of conventional
walk-in methods.
With its intelligent design software, instant exact price quotes, and
expert feedback, eMachineShop is the cutting edge [or leading,
revolutionary, state-of-the-art, unrivaled] approach to custom
machining. See below to get started.
[read: .. delivered to you at X the speed and Y the cost -- where X
and Y are whatever the difference actually is.]
What I might do is remove all clickable links in the 1, 2, 3 area,
because it might be a little confusing to the user. I.e., as a user,
should I click on the "Download" link in caption #1, or should I click
on "Get Started?" Don't quite know what the best option is. "Get
Started" is really where you want the user to go. I'd make that quite
a bit larger and have more space above and below it. I'd also get rid
of all the text below and put 2 convenient "Who uses eMachineShop" and
"Why use eMachineShop" links in there [much smaller]. Or you could
just do "Why use eMachineShop" and then include all that information
in that link. Or perhaps just a "Tell me more" link.
Some of that text can be incorporated into the captions.
Caption #1
Download the FREE easy-to-use design software. You'll be designing in
minutes and get feedback on your design in seconds. [not quite sure
what the second sentence means? has a real nice sound to it, but
feedback in what way?]
Caption #2
Use the software to draw your design -- or import your existing one.
Choose which machining approach, materials, and finishing options you
require. Anything from aluminum to nylon can be machined and finished
per your specifications, using our state-of-the-art equipment. You'll
also see an instant price quote.
Caption #3
At the click of your mouse, your order is safely sent by the web for
manufacturing. Delivery can be as quick as <overnight?>. It's that
Let me know if you need any additional info..
GA Researcher |