Dear jon90,
This is not an easy one. I am familiar with the - originally medical -
term "suspended animation" for a stand-still in the life processes of
the body and how it is used as an image in the English language. But
there is no literal pendant, so I had to use my linguistic skills to
find something in German, a common phrase that expresses approximately
the same and has a similar feeling to it.
As a result of my considerations, I have these proposals for you:
"Suspended animation" alone translates best as "völliger Stillstand"
(full stand-still). So the phrase "I feel like my whole life is in a
state of suspended animation at this moment" would, analogously, be:
"Mir ist, als würde mein ganzes Leben in diesem Moment zum völligen
Stillstand kommen." (I feel like my whole life came to a full
stand-still at this moment)
If the expression should have an air slightly frightening,
uncomfortable, I recommend translating "suspended animation" very free
as "einfrieren" (freeze in). The sentence would then look like this:
"Mir ist, als würde mein ganzes Leben in diesem Moment einfrieren." (I
feel like my whole life was freezing in at this moment).
However, these translations lack an important aspect: The fact that
"suspended animantion" makes the being in that state completely
dependent on those who are expected to release him from that state
again later. Therefore, I have a third alternative for you, completely
different from the first two:
"Mir ist, als wäre mir in diesem Moment mein ganzes Leben völlig aus
den Händen genommen." (I feel like at this moment my whole life was
taken out of my hands).
This version should reflect the feeling of having lost all control
over the own life, of completely being dependent of other persons,
circumstances or forces.
Regarding that the term "suspended animation" does not exist as such
in German, these are the best suggestions I can offer you. I hope they
prove helpful for you. Again, I am very sorry that it is impossible to
find a translation closer to the original English expression.
Best regards,
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