Dear swisscheese,
I had absolutely no problems downloading the software, it was easy and
also quick. The fast server you seem to use for storing is something
many customers will embrace without any doubt.
Then I started the installation process. Again, I found very
convincing what saw. Clear instructions without any unintelligible
techno-talk, very simple handling of the video calibration. That is
something many programmers of sophisticated CAD and also graphics
software fail to offer, according to my experiences. You should under
all circumstances keep these features.
Then, however, there was a problem. At a certain point of the
installation process, the program insisted on downloading the price
file from your server. Due to my firewall, this was not possible.
The dialogue box that opened when the file download failed did not
indicate that the file can be downloaded manually in the help section
of your website manually. I only found it by searching hit-or-miss.
Many less adamantine or less experienced users might feel frustated
and give up at that point. I strongly recomment adding a line in the
dialogue box pointing to the alternative way of getting this file. A
direct link would also be a possible solution.
This, however, was the only problem at all I experienced with
emachinshop. After I got the price file, the installation was
completed without further troubles and I was able to use the software.
I used the main functions and found them working perfectly on my
system. By the way, I was amazed by the speed at which the program
converts the 2D-design to a 3D-object.
During this test, I uses Windows 98 SE, version 4.10.2222 A.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Scriptor |