Hi voltak-ga,
Although there are no articles on the web detailing how you can
uninstall PsyBnc, I was able to turn up quite a few that detail the
steps you need to take to install it on your system. Check out these
- An Introduction to psyBNC 2.3.1
( http://www.jestrix.net/tuts/psy.html )
- Pure Designers - PsyBnc Help [Google Cache]
- [- Psybnc Tutorial -]
( http://www.verb-ksah.net/psybnc.htm )
From these and the PsyBnc readme, we can make out the files PsyBnc
installs on your system and the changes it makes to it. Reversing
these changes is all we need to do to uninstall PsyBnc. The steps you
need to take are the following:
- Remove Crontab entry: If you have your PsyBnc entry added to
crontab, you will have to remove it. To edit the crontab entries, run
the command:
crontab -e
This will open the crontab entry file in the text editor you have
set up. You can specify the editor with which to open the file by
setting the EDITOR environment variable. For example, to open the file
with the pico editor, you will type the following at the command
setenv EDITOR "pico"
In the crontab entry file which will open up, you will be able to
see entries of the form:
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /l33t/shell/psybnc/psybncchk >/dev/null
Delete all lines that refer to your PsyBnc installation directory,
and save this file.
- Kill Psybnc Process: If you have PsyBnc currently running, then
terminate it it using the killall command ( killall -v psybnc), or the
kill command(kill pid).
- Delete PsyBnc Directory: PsyBnc stores all the files it needs and
uses in its installation directory, so delete this directory and all
the subdirectories it contains. The following command will remove the
Psybnc directory tree, prompting you for each file:
rm -Ri <insert path of psybnc installation directory>
WARNING: Be very careful using the above command. Make sure that
you are specifying the correct folder only. It should be the one that
contains the PsyBnc files and subdirectories.
Thats it! PsyBnc has now been uninstalled from your computer.
Hope this helps!
If you need any clarifications, just ask!
Google/Google Groups Search Terms Used:
PsyBnc crontab
PsyBnc freebsd
uninstall psybnc
remove psybnc |