Hello michaefer-ga,
I have received this email from the proprietor of Buckland Books, a
specialist in books on tiles:
"There are a number of ways to identify tiles. There are one or two
books that have back patterns illustrated: J & B Austwick, 'The
Decorated Tile (English backs); Michael Weisser, 'Jugendstilfliesen'
(German, Belgian, some British, French and Czechoslovakian); Rene
Simmermacher, Jugendstil-Fliesen (Mainly German and Belgian). All
three are now out of print. Still available is: Mario Baeck & Bart
Verbrugge, ' De Belgische Art Nouveau en Art Deco Wandtegels' which
has some Belgian tile backs illustrated. This and occasionally copies
of the out of print books are available from: Buckland Books, Holly
Tree House, 18 Woodlands Road, LITTLEHAMPTON, West Sussex, BN17 5PP,
England, Tel/fax: +44 (0) 1903 717 648, email: cblanchett@lineone.net
Web: www.tiles.org . Buckland Books also have update sheets that
rectify a few minor errors contained within these books. "
There was also a series of articles on British tile backs in the
magazine of the Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society, 'Glazed
Expressions'. Copies of the magazine are also available from Buckland
Books. The proprietor of Buckland Books also offers a tile
identification service. This is available at a cost of £1.50 per
Michael Weisser's "Jugendstilfliesen" is described on the following
page, in German. For your purposes, the key aspect of the description
is "ein Katalog mit 225 Ursprungsstempeln" (a catalog with 255 stamps
of origin).
Frölich und Kaufmann
I have found two descriptions of Rene Simmermacher's
"Jugendstil-Fliesen". The description by Buckland Books notes the
problem with misidentifications, and offers a list of corrections.
"Buckland Books: 1004 Jugendstil-Fliesen"
Tiles on the Web
"European Ceramic Tiles Circle: Information Bulletin No. 11
September 2000" [under heading "Germany"]
Tiles on the Web
Finally, here is a description of Mario Baeck & Bart Verbrugge's "De
Belgische Art Nouveau en Art Deco Wandtegels".
"Buckland Books: List of Tile Books 1999/2000: Tiles 20th Century"
Tiles on the Web
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
I searched for the following terms, by themselves or in combinations,
on Google:
"back marks"
"back stamps"
"the decorated tile"
"jugendstil fliesen"
"art deco wandtegels" |