Hi! The study that the article you are looking was a large-scale
survey of asbestos insulation workers, studying workers in east coast
Navy shipyards for asbestosis.
The Authors are W. Fleischer, F. Viles, Jr., R. Gade and P. Drinker,
and the article is entitled, A Health Survey of Pipe Covering
Operations in Constructing Naval Vessels. It appeared in Volume 28 of
the Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, which was published
in 1946. Note that you had the spelling wrong for Fleischer
The article is referenced from a few sites, including this litigation
Borel v. Fibreboard Paper Products Corp.
and this article from the ProNational Insurance Company Health Systems
Risk Review Newsletter:
Exposure in Hospitals: Is It the Fourth Wave of Asbestos Litigation?
According to
Journal Holdings and History at The Citadel
the journal merged with Occupational Medicine to form Archives Of
Industrial Hygiene And Occupational Medicine.
Which http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/idlh/idlhabb2.html tells me is an AMA
The AMA does not have the archives of this journal or its predecessors
available on its website, and indeed I believe nowhere does. However,
many libraries have it, including the following:
SUNY Downstate Medical Center Journals List
Naval Health Research Center Toxicology Detachment
If you would like to let me know where you are located, I can probably
find a library close to you that carries the Journal volume containing
this article.
I hope this has helped you! |