I need 4 VB6 projects as soon as possible this are simple projects and
it shouldnt take too much time for a expert to develop them. In the
order to do 4 projects you need more information (like data base
,screen shots ,
) which I will email it to you if you tell me that you
are interested to work on this question:
>>>Access data base called: mmabooks<<<<
>>>Screen shot of GUI<<<
Project 1: Maintain the Authors table (bound)
· · Develop a bound form for maintaining the data in the
Authors table.
· · The user can use the navigation buttons on the ADO data
control to display the data thats in the records in the Authors
table. And the user can change the data in any of the records, then
click on one of the navigation buttons to update the record.
· · To add a record to the table, the user can click on the
Next button in the data control when the current record is already the
last record in the file. This displays a blank form that the user can
enter the new data into. When the user moves to another record, the
new record is added to the file.
· · This application doesnt provide for deleting records
because this is permanent data.
· · Use this SQL statement in the data controls RecordSource
property to retrieve the records in Name sequence: SELECT * FROM
Authors ORDER BY Name.
· · To display the phone number data with the parentheses and
hyphen, you need to set the DataFormat property of the phone number
textbox to this Custom format:
(000) 000-0000. Note that this format will be used only for displaying
existing records. It will not be used for entering new records.
Enhancements (worth $2 tip)
· · Display the current record position and total number of
records in the text area of the data control as shown above (Record 4
of 8). To do that, you can code a procedure for the MoveComplete event
of the data control that stores the AbsolutePosition and RecordCount
properties of the control in its Caption property.
· · Add a procedure that lets the user cancel the addition of
a new record by pressing the Escape key. To do that, you can code a
Form_Keydown procedure (see page 249) that uses the CancelUpdate
method to cancel the addition and the MoveLast method to move to a
valid record position after the cancellation.
>>>Screen shot of GUI<<<
Project 2: Maintain the Books table (bound)
· · Develop a bound form for maintaining the data in the Books
· · The user can use the navigation buttons located on the ADO
data control to display the data thats in the records in the Books
table. And the user can change the data in any of the records, then
click on one of the navigation buttons to update the record.
· · To add a record to the table, the user can click on the
Next button in the data control when the current record is already the
last record in the file. This displays a blank form that the user can
enter the new data into. When the user moves to another record, the
new record is added to the file.
· · This application doesnt provide for deleting records
because this is permanent data.
· · Use this SQL statement in the data controls RecordSource
property to retrieve the records in Title sequence: SELECT * FROM
Books ORDER BY Title.
· · To display the ISBN number with hyphens as shown above, you
need to set the DataFormat property of the ISBN number text box to
this Custom format: &-&&&&&&-&&-&. And to display the unit price as
shown above, you need to set the DataFormat property of the unit price
text box to Currency. Note that these formats will be used only for
displaying existing records. They will not be used for entering new
Enhancements (worth $4 tip)
· · Modify the RecordSource property of the data control so it
retrieves only the fields that are needed for the form display.
· · Display the current record position and total number of
records in the text area of the data control as shown above (Record 4
of 8). To do that, you can code a procedure for the MoveComplete event
of the data control that stores the AbsolutePosition and RecordCount
properties of the control in its Caption property.
· · Add a procedure that lets the user cancel the addition of
a new record by pressing the Escape key. To do that, you can code a
Form_Keydown procedure that uses the CancelUpdate method to cancel
the addition and the MoveLast method to move to a valid record
position after the cancellation.
· · Change the text box for the ISBN Number to a masked edit
box so that existing numbers are displayed correctly and an input mask
is used for numbers in new records. Be sure to set the PromptInclude
property of the masked edit box to False so that the prompt characters
arent included in the Text property of the control.
>>>Screen shot of GUI<<<
Project 3: Maintain the Authors table (unbound)
· · Develop an unbound form for maintaining the data in the
Authors table.
· · The user can use the navigation buttons to display the data
thats in the records in the Authors table. These navigation buttons
are command buttons.
· · If the user changes the data in any of the records, the
Update button becomes enabled. Then, the user can update the record by
clicking on that button. Or, the user can cancel the update by
pressing the Escape key.
· · To add a record to the table, the user can click on the Add
button. This displays a blank form that the user can enter the new
data into and enables the Update button. Then, the user can click on
the Update button to add the record to the file or press the Escape
key to cancel the addition.
· · This application doesnt provide for deleting records
because this is permanent data.
· · Use this SQL statement to retrieve the records in Name
sequence: SELECT * FROM Authors ORDER BY Name.
· · To format the 10-digit phone number as shown above, you
need to use a masked edit box with this mask: (###) ###-####. Be sure
to set the PromptInclude property of this control to False so the
prompt characters arent included in the controls value.
· · When you assign the EMailAddress field to its text box, you
need to code it something like this:
txtEmail = rsAuthors!EMailAddress & ""
Then, if the field is null (it isn't required), an empty string is
placed in the text box. Without that coding, this message is displayed
when a null value is assigned to a text box: Invalid use of null.
Project 4: Maintain the Books table (unbound)
· · Develop an unbound form for maintaining the data in the
Books table.
· · The user can use the navigation buttons to display the data
thats in the records in the Authors table. These navigation buttons
are command buttons.
· · If the user changes the data in any of the records, the
Update button becomes enabled. Then, the user can update the record by
clicking on that button. Or, the user can cancel the update by
pressing the Escape key.
· · To add a record to the table, the user can click on the Add
button. This displays a blank form that the user can enter the new
data into and enables the Update button. Then, the user can click on
the Update button to add the record to the file or press the Escape
key to cancel the addition.
· · This application doesnt provide for deleting records
because this is permanent data.
· · Use this SQL statement in the data controls RecordSource
property to retrieve the records in Title sequence: SELECT * FROM
Books ORDER BY Title.
· · To format the 10-digit ISBN number as shown above, you need
to use a masked edit box with this mask: &-&&&&&&-&&-&. Be sure to set
the PromptInclude property of this control to False so the prompt
characters arent included in the controls value.
· · To format the unit price as shown above, you need to use
the Format function with the Currency format.
Enhancement (worth $1 tip)
· · Modify the SQL statement for the recordset so it retrieves
only the fields that are needed for the form display. |