Dear Yvi,
There are several patterns in which some cultural groups have
dominated other groups. In general, some usage of power is implied by
domination. This usage could take different forms:
- Military Conquest: When one culture politically controls another,
there are high chances that some patterns of the dominant culture
would be integrated into the controlled society. Political and
military control usually also imply that the official language, for
example, is the language of the administration.
- Economic Influence: Economic processes have tremendous impact on
cultures. From funding to cultural consumption, from the ability to
consume to the question of "high" and "low" culture, and what is
considered "decent" and "cultural".
Despite the fact that these two processes, and especially the second
one, are the most predominant in cultural domination (actually, it
could be argued, that since military expansion was usually aimed at
controlling resources, it is also an economically motivated cultural
domination process) - there are also processes of assimilation, in
which the subjected culture decides to integrate into the majority
(and again, it could be argued that this process of assimilation
happens of economic reasons - no Mexican immigrant would find a job
outside his community unless he commands English).
You could read more about this issue here:
Cultural effects - Marxist approach - Gramsci: hegemony
EDUCATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF TRADE" Reporter Volume 25, No.18 February
24, 1994
Cultural Aspects of Neoliberalism
I hope that answered your question. In order to find material for your
answer, I searched for the term "cultural domination". Please contact
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