VB.net Example needed: Concurrency Violation Error [in form Datagrid]
I'm looking for an example that will show me how to avoid a
Concurrency Violation Error based on this data:
Access 2000 Database Name: TestDb
Columns: MyId (primary Key, autoincrement), Name (text 50 char)
Data in table:
1 Peter
2 Sam
3 Joe
4 John
I have used the drag and drop wizard for the OLE connection and have
populated the default dataset[dataset1]. What I need to accomplish
at this point is to be able to have my users update the data grid with
one push of a button.
I consitantly get violation errors when I try to run this process, and
the example I have found in msdn's help files have not been helpful in
that they over complicate the matter. Is there an easy way to merge
this data into another set and then update that into the database?
The second part of this question is I want to be able to pull the
first value from the "Name" column and set it equal to the variable
I know this should be a piece of cake, but I'm just not grabbing this
concept at all. Remember I'm using the default Ole
info(OleDbDataAdapter1, OleDbConnection1, dataset1. and that I have
the dataset populated already.) Please over document the code.
If I get an answer to this question by 2/20 1pm(Today) there is a 6
dollar tip if the answer is entirely complete.
Thank you,
Peter |