Hi tusconjim!
Yes, there are oodles of domain name appraisers out there! Looking
for one to suit you can certainly be confusing, unless you treat
looking for a domain name appraiser the way you would treat looking
for an art appraiser.
1) How old is the company?
If they just started operations last year, you have no reputation to
look at, and no idea what results they will produce. Look for a
company that's been around a while, or at least has an established
2) Are the appraisers independent?
Apprasiers with a vested interest in the domain you're seeking to have
appraised are more likely to value your domain name *lower*. A
company whose appraisers are independent of other domain agencies will
be more likely to give you a fair shake.
3) Do they offer a certificate of appraisal?
As with any other appraisal, if there's no certificate, there's no
proof of value. If they don't offer a certificate, give them a miss.
4) What have other clients said about them?
Do people feel they've gotten "ripped off"? Or can the company point
you to several clients who were happy with the service? Customer
testimonials, while not foolproof, are certainly helpful. Check the
company out with the Better Business Bureau and with Complaints.com,
an online complaint datbase:
The Better Business Bureau
[ http://www.bbb.org/ ]
[ http://www.complaints.com ]
Here are a few domain appraisers to get you started:
[ http://www.domainmart.com/DomainNames/agent/appraisal/appraisal_enter.html
[ http://www.certificateofappraisal.com/ ]
Accurate Domains
[ http://accuratedomains.com/index.php?display=9 ]
Domain Appraisals LL
[ http://www.dbappraisals.com/ ]
Back of the Envelope
[ http://www.backoftheenvelope.com/ ]
[ http://www.domainworth.com/appraise.cfm ]
...and for an idea of how appraisers determine a domain name's value,
have a look at the appraisal models published by members of Afternic,
some of which detail the appraisal process step by step:
[ http://www.afternic.com/index.cfm?a=research ]
Good luck!
missy-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
23 May 2002 00:01 PDT
Hello again, Jim!
Opinions about who is "the best in the biz" vary widely, and there
doesn't seem to be any real knowledge out there about which domain
appraiser truly is the best. Seemingly everyone claims to know, but
this is not a regulated "industry", and there are no definitive
DomainSecretsRevealed claims to have three options for choosing the
"best" domain appraiser, based on affordability, quality and "proven
[ http://www.domainsecretsrevealed.net/domain-name-appraisals.html ]
Domain IQ offers a guide for choosing a domain appraiser here:
[ http://www.domainiq.com/appraisaltips.htm ]
...and based on their stringent criteria, they only recommend
[ http://domainsystems.com/appraisal.htm ]
ADN Appraisals offers a comparison chart, but only ranked by price:
[ http://www.adnappraisals.com/ ]
Marketer David Carter seems to think that most domain appraisers are
charlatans, and says that you needn't pay for a domain appraisal (He
offers links to plenty of appraisers, but claims not to recommend any
of them):
[ http://www.david-carter.com/domain-name-valuations.htm ]
As you can see, there are conflicting opinions about who is "the
best". Ultimately, the only way to *truly* know who is best *for you*
is to check out the companies you're thinking about using for
yourself. Ask them a few questions, check out their reputation, and
use the one you feel most comfortable with. I'd highly recommend
following Domain IQ's guidelines for choosing.
I wish you much luck. I hope your name sells high!