Hi sfilzen:
There seem to be many, many ways to convert a DVD player into
"codefree" status - most of them without having to buy a "kit". I was
able to find the following sites that list "hacks" for converting your
DVD player to multi-code or "codefree" status. Of course, messing with
the innards of your DVD player is going to void its warranty - but you
already know that I'm sure. :-)
I have listed what I found below in no particular order:
Just Entertainment's DVD Freebies Page
URL: http://freespace.virgin.net/n.nethercott/v4/dvdfree.html
Details: Lists hacks for models from Akai, Sony, Samsung and others -
many with supporting pictures.
Handset Hacks
URL: http://www.dvddebate.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=14
Details: These appear to be changes you can make without cracking open
your equipment - strictly through the remote control. Plenty of makes,
but none from Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba, Pioneer, or Sharp.
Region Free DVD
URL: http://www.regionfreedvd.net/players.html
Details: This site seems to have ways of converting (both through
hardware and software) for 100s of popular models. Just use the
dropdown menu to choose which model you are interested in. (Short on
pictures but long on choices.)
If these sites are not of help to you, please send me a clarification
request and tell me which exact model of DVD player you want to
convert and whether you absolutely want to do it through hardware -
and I'll try again to find more specific information for you.
Search Strategy (on Google):
convert dvd codefree
hack dvd codefree |
Clarification of Answer by
24 Feb 2003 12:02 PST
Hello sfilzen:
Well, I've spent several more hours searching for a kit that will
allow you to modify your Aiwa XD-AX1 DVD player to codefree status -
and I must admit that I believe no such kit exists yet.
My searching showed to me that each DVD player (from each
manufacturer) is different and that there is no one kit that converts
all/most of them. Further, my extensive search for any
hack/kit/information on how to modify the XD-AX1 turned up *nothing*
of any substantive use.
I searched on dozens of various keywords, on Google, Google Groups,
Froogle, and AllTheWeb, including:
Aiwa codefree
aiwa 170 XD-AX1
Aiwa codefree ax1
Aiwa codefree dvd
Aiwa codefree hack
Aiwa codefree kit
Aiwa DVD convert kit
Aiwa DVD kit
Aiwa DVD kit codefree
Aiwa XD-AX1
Aiwa XD-AX1 codefree
"aiwa XD-AX1"
"Aiwa XD-AX1" "code free"
"Aiwa XD-AX1" codefree
"Aiwa XD-AX1" convert
"Aiwa XD-AX1" hack
"Aiwa XD-AX1" multi region
"convert dvd" codefree
and several others.
Where would you like to go with this question at this time?