Hello harleykenneth,
Thank you for your question.
There are no guarantees that you can find the identity of an owner of
an email address, but it might be possible.
A number of search engines feature reverse email searches. Some of
these include:
"If you have found the email of a person and wish to know more about
that person, you can use our Reverse Lookup to see if that person is
in our directory. Simply type the email address into the search field,
and the search will return any information in our directory regarding
that email address (name, location, other email addresses owned by the
same person, etc.). For safety reasons, we only allow our users to
search for exact matches of email addresses, no partial matches will
be returned."
The Ultimate Email Directory
SearchEngineZ also has a reverse search for users of popular Instant
Messeging Programs such as Microsoft, AOl and Yahoo Messengers:
And PeopleSearch.net
There are also a variety of pay services that claim to provide this
service such as the following:
Spy Tools
Net Detective
However, I have no personal experience with these pay services and can
not vouch for their accuracy or usefulness.
You can also search using Google and Google Groups with the email
address enclosed in quotes. Often, you can uncover more information
about someone by viewing their posts on the Internet or Usenet groups
that Google will discover. Sometimes their postings will include their
name and sometimes you will be lead to their personal home page. It is
an excellent tool for these types of searches.
This question has also been asked previously at Google Answers and you
might wish to read this response by another of our researchers:
Search Strategy:
reverse email directory
I trust my research has provided you with a number of tools to aid in
your search. If a link above should fail to work or anything require
further explanation or research, please do post a Request for
Clarification prior to rating the answer and closing the question and
I will be pleased to assist further.
-=clouseau=- |