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property law
Category: Reference, Education and News > Education Asked by: 83-ga List Price: $15.00 |
16 May 2002 10:06 PDT
Expires: 23 May 2002 10:06 PDT Question ID: 16599 |
consider the following situation: homer has entered into a contract with king(a theatrical agent) on behalf of his son bart,a child actor. under the terms of the contract bart may not accept any roles other than those procurred by king,although king is under no obligation to secure roles for bart.in the event that bart gets a role,king is entitled to 90% of the fees and assosiated merchendising but king is under no obligation that bart has a living wage. bart(through his father)now seeks to escape from the contract an king has sought a decree of specific performance.homer has also threatened to publish a highly colourful defamatory article about king in a sunday newspaper if king wont release bart from the contract.king is seeking an interloctury injunction to prevent publication. it has also emerged that king has made threats to homer 'kneecapped ' if he doesnt withdraw the article. Advise King of his legal an equitable remerdies and there avalibilities. |
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Re: property law
Answered By: weisstho-ga on 16 May 2002 17:34 PDT |
Profesor Corbin, in his book on Contract Law, speaks to Unconscionable Bargains where he says that it is difficult to believe that judges can fail to be influenced by equtable doctrines in the granting of any of the remedies that are available. "There is sufficient flexibility in the concepts of fraud, duress, misrepresentation, and undue influence, not to mention differnences in economic bargaining power, to enable to courts to avoid enforcement of a bargain that is shown to be unconscionable by reason of gross inadequacy of consideration accompanied by other relevant factors." Corbin, section 128, p. 188. I would suppose that Homer can approach this either as a plaintiff, asking the court to either reform or rescind the contract based upon the unconscionable terms, or as a defendant who, when sued for specific performance, or damages, uses the unconscionable terms (and other contract law theories, such as lack or inadequacy of consideration) as (affirmative) defenses. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | |
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Re: property law
From: rebeccam-ga on 16 May 2002 11:37 PDT |
Hello there! First of all, Bart should immediately report his experiences to the Screen Actors Guild, so they can investigate King and shut him down: SAG National Office and Hollywood Office 5757 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036-3600 Main Switchboard: (323) 954-1600 Fax: (323) 549-6603 For Deaf Performers Only: (323) 549-6648 ( http://www.sag.com/ ) SAG may be able to tell Bart whether there have been previous complaints against King, which may help in a legal fight, and they'll almost certainly be able to advise Bart on his legal recourses. |
Re: property law
From: rebeccam-ga on 16 May 2002 12:11 PDT |
Let me elaborate on my previous comment... My suggestion comes not from research, but from my experience as a professional actor. Unfortunately, it is very cmomon for unscrupulous agents to take advantage of performers who are new to the industry, especially children. Until recently, legitimate agents (meaning bona fide, different from 'legit' agents, who work in theater) were 'franchised', or operated under a standard contract with the appropriate actors' union. Those contracts placed no restrictions on acceptable jobs, limited commissions to 10% and restricted commissionable income, expired after 1 year with an optional renewal, and could be terminated in writing by either party (with some qualifcations.) There were surely some differences in contracts for children, but nothing fundamental. The franchise agreememt expired a few months ago, ensuing attempts to come to a compromise failed, and now agenta and actors are in a kind of limbo. (Details are available at http://www.sag.org/news/ata_020401_summary.pdf and through the mail SAG website listed in the pervious comment.) The expiration does not affect existing agreements between actors and formerly franchised agents, just new ones. I'd be interested to know whether Bart signed with King before or after the Franchise agreement expired, as that may affect SAG's ability to intervene. |
Re: property law
From: rebeccam-ga on 16 May 2002 13:33 PDT |
Pardon my adding things as I find them... FindLaw.com operates message boards on various legal subjects. Here is the link to the Board for Contract Law: http://boards.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/WebX.fcgi?230@@.ef06877!skip=600 |
Re: property law
From: tracker-ga on 16 May 2002 17:53 PDT |
Hey Tom, thanks for the entertainment tonight ... you definitely gave me a chuckle!! |
Re: property law
From: nonpareil-ga on 23 May 2002 16:08 PDT |
Dear 83-ga: I hope the following observations may be of some help. At the least, they may prompt further comments concerning your apparent difficulties. 1. Treatises such as Corbin on Contracts is a type of persuasive authority by a commentator. It would probably be helpful to inform those on Google Answer who may be able to provide helpful suggestions, which jurisdiction(s) may be involved in your fact pattern. If theres already a relevant statute or decisional law (a published appellate decision) in the State(s) where the courts would have jurisdiction, thats on point concerning the facts of the dispute, its the opinion or statute thats going to be the basis on which youll probably want to make your decisions. If Bart and King are in different states, the possibility of federal jurisdiction also arises. 2. My opinion is apparently consistent with your own, and Weisstho-ga, that the terms of the contract youve described are unconscionable. But, it seems to me, only an attorney will be able to definitively advise you of a proper course of action. Two thoughts occur in that regard. First, is there a sufficient likelihood of substantial recovery to motivate the attorney to accept your case on a contingent basis? Second, might the attorney not agree that a suit for injunctive relief could short-circuit what might otherwise be a lengthy and therefore costly judicial process? The major consideration with respect to the latter is the cost of the bond necessary to permanent, if not temporary relief. The reason I mention this as a possible alternative is also because, at least in one jurisdiction with which Im familiar (Arizona), the grant or denial of an application (or motion or petition) for such relief is immediately appealable. 3. Weisstho-ga has made two particularly worthwhile comments you may wish to pursue with an attorney. I would think he or she would consider it contrary to your best interest to complicate your matter with questions of defamation, which may result from such a publication as you've described. Rather, particularly if you have documentation to prove the threat was made, perhaps a law enforcement agency could be persuaded to act on a complaint of assault (the distinction made is accurate). This alternative, if it is one, might relieve you of the need to proceed civilly, at least at this point. I would also, as Weisstho-ga suggests, chronicle the matter in as much detail as possible, in writing, complete with attachment of all documentation available, before consulting an attorney. 4. SAG may be able and willing to provide historical data regarding King. Unless Bart is a member though, its likely SAG would avoid any recommendation as to what recourse is available to you. If Bart is a member, however, perhaps SAG might attempt to intervene in his behalf, again relieving you of the need to proceed civilly, at this point. I hope this is helpful, and that a further inquiry by you to Google Answer results in even more, helpful comments. The situation does, indeed, seem deplorable. Best of luck, Nonpareil-GA |
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