Dear duwad,
According to the official website of the Lebanese Parliament
(, the Hezballah party currently
holds seven seats in parliament. On April 8, 2002, the following full
members of the Hezballah party were Members of Parliament:
- Ammar Al-Mousawi, Bekaa Province. Shiite Muslim, born Dec. 11, 1962.
Education: B.A. in political sciences and law. Profession: Journalist.
- Abdullah Kasir, South Lebanon Province. Shiite Muslim, born in 1955.
Education: M.A. in political science. Profession: Owner of a
- Ibrahim Bayan, Bekaa Province. Sunnite Muslim, born in 1948.
Education: M.A. in French literature. Profession: Teacher.
- Mohammed Fneich, South Lebanon Province. Shiite Muslim, born in
1953. Education: B.A. in politcal science and in mathematics. No
profession except politics known.
- Ibrahim Al-Sayed, Bekaa Province. Shiite Muslim, born in 1950.
Education: Higher education in Islamic sciences. Profession:
Politician and theologian.
- Mohamad Raad, South Lebanon Province. Shiite Muslim, born in 1955.
Education: Philosophy and literature. No profession except politica
- Hussein El-Hajj Hasan, Bekaa Province. Shiite Muslim, born in 1960.
Education: PhD in Chemistry. Profession: University professor, School
of Sciences, Lebanese University.
This data was mainly acquired from the official list of Lebanese MPs,
which can be found here:
Other sources used are:
LebVote - Parliament 2000.
Elie I. Mourad, They Voted FOR:
Online posting, August 8, 2001.
<soc.culture.lebanon> via Google Groups.
Please note the following important point: According to Lebanese law,
canditates in parliament elections campaign in the name of one of the
various religious groups of the country, not a political party.
Therefore, a varying number of Lebanese deputies are commonly referred
to as Hezballah MPs or sympathizers, although their relationship to
the party is not accurately defined. Because of this, some sources
give the number of eight, nine, ten or even twelve Hezballah
representatives in parliament. However, the seven listed above are
those who are positively Hezballah party members at the moment. But is
is nearly impossible to exactly define the segmentation of the
Lebanese parliament by parties since the ethnic-religious background
of the deputies is considered by far more important.
Search terms used:
lebanese parliament:
Ibrahim Bayan:
"ammar al moussawi":
fneish raad: ://
Hope this is what you were looking for!
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