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Q: "A phrase from either a movie or novel" ( Answered,   4 Comments )
Subject: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Asked by: spooky63-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 25 Feb 2003 09:36 PST
Expires: 27 Mar 2003 09:36 PST
Question ID: 166923
I'm trying to locate the source/name of the movie or novel that the
following dialogue comes from:  "All the good points are out the
window, and I'm twisted up in the game."

Request for Question Clarification by pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2003 14:05 PST

Could the quote be "I'm all twisted up inside the game; my points are
out the window"?

Clarification of Question by spooky63-ga on 04 Mar 2003 15:53 PST
Thanks for responding. It's possible that the quote is as you listed
it. My boyfriend, who challenged me with the original quote, is
usually pretty accurate with his references/quotes, but he could have
it mixed up a bit.  If it is the quote that you listed below, do you
know the answer? Thanks.
Subject: Re: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 04 Mar 2003 19:37 PST
Hi, spooky.

The version I have found is "I'm all twisted up inside the game; my
points are out the window." I'm going to go out on a limb here and say
that your quote is from "Bringing Down the House," a new movie
starring Steve Martin and Queen Latifah. I cannot imagine that there's
another source for this wacky quote.

I am basing this on a trailer for the movie that has been airing on
Fox TV, in which Eugene Levy makes a fool of himself while trying to
speak "Jive." Here's an online citation of the line, in a review of
the movie:

"As their worlds collide, Latifah's Charlene coaches Martin's
hopelessly white-bread character on how to get funky. Meanwhile
Martin's lawyer buddy (Eugene Levy) falls for the feisty Charlene and
her hip-hop ways, confiding his infatuation by saying, 'I'm all
twisted up inside the game; my points are out the window.'

'That was part of the fun for me,' says Latifah, 'just having the
characters deliver these hip-hop, round-the-way lines that they would
never even know existed.''

The Boston Globe

Search terms used:

"out the window"
"twisted up"
"bringing down the house"

I hope this gets you one-up on your boyfriend. ;-)

You might want to consider posting a new question at a later date, if
you would like some help in thinking up a trivia quote that you can
spring on your boyfriend in return. Google Answers Researchers are
very good with obscure quotes and fiendish challenges.

If anything in my answer is unclear, please request clarification
before rating my answer; I'll be glad to offer further assistance.

Best wishes,
Subject: Re: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
From: magnesium-ga on 25 Feb 2003 11:40 PST
It is often usefull if you can tell the researchers a little
background about where and when you heard or read the quote in

I have never heard this one myself. Hope someone can help, because it
sounds like an interesting sort of movie or novel!
Subject: Re: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
From: spooky63-ga on 25 Feb 2003 12:28 PST
I wish like heck that I could give you more.  This is a challenge from
my boyfriend to me who prides himself on these kinds of obscure hints.
 He almost always gets me, but this time I want to prevail.  He prides
himself on knowing what online resources to hit to get answers to
these types of things, and of course, I'm clueless.  I know that he's
a big fan of independent and foreign films--especially French and
German films--although this dialogue sounds a bit British to me for
some reason.  Anyway, I'm desperate here--only have until tonight 11pm
to try to answer him.
Subject: Re: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
From: pinkfreud-ga on 25 Feb 2003 14:29 PST
I am usually rather good at identifying quotes from movies and novels,
but this one has me stumped. It sounds kind of British film noir-ish,
but that's a very broad category.

If you don't get an answer by your deadline tonight, I have a
suggestion. Post a new question for us, asking the Google Answers
Researchers to suggest a few juicy obscure quotes, and their sources.
Most of us are voracious readers, many of us are movie-lovers, and I
bet we could come up with some doozies that would have your boyfriend
begging for clues.

This won't work, of course, if he is a visitor to Google Answers. ;-)
Subject: Re: "A phrase from either a movie or novel"
From: pugsby-ga on 04 Mar 2003 13:58 PST
It's from 'Bringing Down the House,' a movie with Steve Martin and Queen LatiFAH.

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