I'm fairly confident that J.P.T.W. must stand for "Just Play to Win."
"Just Play to Win" is clearly consistent with Capellas' apparently
aggressive approach to business (e.g., "It's Time to Take the Fight to
the Streets - With an Attitude!").
In any case, PTW is an acronym for "Play to Win." See the results of
this Google Search:
ptw "play to win"
Additionally, the phrase "Just Play to Win" is not uncommon. See the
results of these searches:
Google Groups: "just play to win"
Google: "just play to win"
Perhaps "Just Play to Win" was used as a sort of internal motto at
WorldCom. Many companies adopt various "motivational" slogans of this
search strategy: ptw, "play to win"
I hope this helps. If you need any additional information, please use
the "request clarification" feature. Thanks. |
Clarification of Answer by
26 Feb 2003 20:15 PST
Hi Ttubbs-ga:
I just wanted to let you know that when I answered the question, I
also sent an email to the folks at exworldcom5100.com for
verification. I just received this response from Kate Lee a few
minutes ago:
"Just prove them wrong. Appparently it is a phrase that Capellas'
used with him when he decided to take the WorldCom job......"
So, I offer my apologies for my earlier answer. Ms Lee believes that
JPTW stand for "Just Prove Them Wrong."
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Feb 2003 01:18 PST
Thank you for the update, I must admit that I was not that convinced
about the Just Play To Win, but I bought it and rated you 3 stars.
With the additional information I'd rate you five stars !!
Thanks for making contact to Lee for me, I'm so impressed she
(assuming Lee is a woman) replied so quickly.
Being a worldcom investor - I trully hope, and trust that Worldcom
will prove them wrong !
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Feb 2003 01:25 PST
Ohh !! , I've been dealing with too many Lee's lately... That was Kate
Lee wasn't it. doh !!!
Clarification of Answer by
27 Feb 2003 01:41 PST
No problem about the rating. And, again, I apologize about my first
theory. I really thought I had it figured out, partially because of
Capellas' frequent use of the word "win" in his "call to action" at
the end of the presentation.
Nonetheless, "Just Prove Them Wrong" is what Capellas meant. I have
subsequently determined that the same anecdote that Ms Lee mentions
about Capellas' wife telling him to "just prove them wrong" also
appeared in the Wall Street Journal. It's in the November 15, 2002
issue of the WSJ on page B1. The article is entitled, "Can Michael
Capellas End WorldCom's Disgrace?"