Hello david_j_kaplan-ga,
When you request "all", I assume that you don't mean literally "all",
given the price guidelines for Google Answers:
"Google Answers: How to price your question"
Google Answers
But I can tell you about the basics. Most of them are available on
this page on Blogger's site:
In summary, Blogger allows you to publish a "blog" -- or a "weblog" --
on the Web. You can use Blogger to create a page on the web and post
messages to it, simply and quickly. The basic service is free, while
Blogger Pro is a subscription service that offers advanced features.
Blogger is run by Pyra Labs, which also runs Blog*Spot (and Blog*Spot
Plus), which is a place where you can publish your web page.
"About Pyra"
Pyra Labs was recently purchased by Google.
"Google Buys Pyra: Blogging Goes Big-Time", by Dan Gillmor (February
15, 2003)
Dan Gillmor EJournal
I hope that this information is helpful.
- justaskscott-ga
Search strategy:
Browsed Blogger and Blog*Spot web sites |
Request for Answer Clarification by
27 Feb 2003 06:21 PST
Your correct, I don't mean literally "all". I read my newsletter as a
Friend Of Google and joined blogger. I found the description not
entirely enlightening and decided as a typical Macintosh user who
doesn't like to read instruction to get help from Google Answers. You
answered. Since I had no idea of what to expect, I offered a minimum
schedule payment.
You have given me my money's worth and more; and I need still more.
One of the things you included was a link to what was claimed to be a
"tutorial". It may be a "tutorial" but it isn't a tutorial. It comes
across garbled on my internet explorer and it is highly highly
limited. If you know of a better link for a real tutorial, I would
like to know it. If you don't know of one, I will offer the princely
sum of $10.00 to you for writing something better---at least getting
from highly highly limited to highly limited. $10.00 is not much but
think of it as a challenge from a retired civil servant; also think of
the good you would do! Maybe you shouldn't thing of the good you
would do.
By the way, how would you use blogger to disseminate your version of
the tutorial? Make that explanation part of your tutorial.
If you decide to take me up on this I will pay the $10.00 as part of
my evaluation of your answer. Still maybe you shouldn't trust a
retired civil servant.
Clarification of Answer by
27 Feb 2003 11:31 PST
I do trust you; call me crazy, but I like civil servants. (I've
worked for the government myself.)
However, I believe I would do the most good by allowing someone else
to answer your follow-up question. I'm reluctant to answer a question
about how to use Blogger on a Macintosh; I have not operated a
Macintosh for several years. I wouldn't want to steer you the wrong
way. Also, while I have tried Blogger, I'm not a regular blogger
(small b). I imagine that someone with more blogging experience or
general technical expertise -- especially if also a Mac user -- could
provide a better answer.
I suggest that you post a new question, specifying what you need (and
providing a link to this question as background). You can offer $10
for that question -- or $9.50, if you want your total expense for the
question, including the posting fee, to be $10.