Hello -
My thoughts go out to you and yours for your situation. If you need
any additional information/clarification, please don't hesitate to
According to the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
[CDC], with limited exception, the use of antibiotics in tandem with
the DPT vaccination should not be an issue. This was verified by 3
separate representatives, as well as the following document on the CDC
website, prepared by multiple doctors for publication by the National
Immunization Program:
See the section on Special Situations that begins with:
"With limited exceptions, using an antibiotic is not a
contraindication to vaccination. Antimicrobial agents have no effect
on the response to live attenuated vaccines, except live oral Ty21a
typhoid vaccine, and have no effect on inactivated, recombinant
subunit, or polysaccharide vaccines or toxoids. Ty21a typhoid vaccine
should not be administered to persons receiving antimicrobial agents
until >24 hours after any antibiotic dose (18)."
I highly recommend consulting with your doctor about this, however.
More information can be obtained by contacting the CDC directly at
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contacted CDC
Thank you,
GA Researcher |