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Q: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada ( Answered,   3 Comments )
Subject: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada
Category: Miscellaneous
Asked by: mkip-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 27 Feb 2003 18:31 PST
Expires: 29 Mar 2003 18:31 PST
Question ID: 168115
I would like to buy a dog while I am in Europe.  I need breed names
and breeders from Amsterdam (or Holland), Brussels, Italy,
Switzerland.  First stop is Holland so look there first, I'd like to
take him with me for the month.  Small to medium, intelligent,
non-americian breed.  Pure bred preferred but will consider mixed
breed.  Am leaving Canada soon!!!

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 27 Feb 2003 19:23 PST
Greetings Mkip:

Before a Researcher can answer your question, I feel they might want
the following information to be clarified:

1) What are the names of the cities you will be visiting in Italy and
Switzerland?  Will you be visiting any additional cities beside
Amsterdam and Brussels?  By naming the exact cities, a Researcher will
be able to focus the search on where you will actually be and not send
you halfway across a country to view some breeds.

2) Will you travel by rented car in Europe or use public
transportation?  Some forms of public transportation may not allow
puppies or dogs.  Also, in car travel, you should have a sturdy pet
carrier of appropriate breed size before purchasing a dog.  They need
to ride safely just as people do.  :)

3)Will you be staying in hotels or in private homes?  If hotels, have
you checked to see if they will accept pets?  If private homes, have
you checked to see if they would welcome a puppy or dog?

4) Are you looking for a puppy that is not house-trained or for a more
mature, trained dog?  I mention this because puppies need an
extraordinary amount of care and must be fed at taken out at closer
intervals than full-grown dogs.  The stomachs and bladders of puppies
are very small so they need close monitoring for food, water and
walks.  If you are planning to be on a vacation, you would be
considerably restrained by a puppy as they need their "parent" around
for the bonding process.  If you plan to see the sights, do you
already have someone lined up who can be with the dog while you are
away from it?  Bonding with your dog is essential to his future

5) Have you checked Canadian rules of bringing a European animal into
Canada?  There may be a quarrantine time (some countries require up to
six months depending on where the animal originates) and any
quarrantine period would be very stressful for a puppy or dog.

6) Do you already have the dog's bowls, bed, food, etc in place in
your home for when you return?  have you made a vet appointment for
the day after you return to have the dog checked and have shots given?

7)  Have you reviewed a list of small and medium breeds pictures
online?  You may see the little face of a breed that just captures
your heart in the photos and makes you want to adopt his kind right
away!  There are lists available for you to view, with photos, at:

Small Breeds - under 10" in height at the shoulder  

Medium Breeds - 10" to 17" in height at the shoulder

Medium Breeds - 18" to 25" in height at the shoulder

My suggestion to you would be to purchase the dog on the last stop of
your journey as opposed to the first stop or to return to a kennel you
liked in another country right before flying home.  That way, the
stress on the animal of traveling would be kept to a minimum.  Air
travel, especially, is very stressful on animals and you will be
removing a puppy or dog from its comfortable environment which
sometimes causes sickness or loose bowels.

I apologize for asking so many questions but I love dogs, too, and I
want to make sure that neither you or the dog becomes stressed and
that both of you are well-cared for during your vacation.  :)

Thank you, in advance, for responding to this clarification.

Clarification of Question by mkip-ga on 28 Feb 2003 01:21 PST
Thank you for your response.
-  Anything within 1 hour from Amsterdam, Brussels, Zurich, Venice,
Milan or the Italian Riveria.
-  I will travel by car.  If I find a dog< I will purchase an
appropriate pet carrier.  I have made a pet reservation for my flight
-  I will rent an apartment for a week in Amsterdam, Venice, Portifino
and one yet to be determined location.  I will travel through Milian a
can certainly stay over.  Each accommodation will accept pets.
-  I prefer a puppy.  He or she will be with me mostly, so bonding and
gentle exercise is not an issue.  He will be very loved and
-  Canadian customs informs me that requirements are breeding
certificate plus health certificate not more than 30 days old
-  I will consider picking up the dog just prior to my return,
however, I want to look and possibly buy as soonn as possible.  I
would consider an older dog, however I'm leary of animals that have
been returned to the breader.  Having said that, there are
circumstances under which I would take an older dog.
-  I will check the web sites you suggested and let you know if I
"fall in love".  Thanks again.

Request for Question Clarification by journalist-ga on 28 Feb 2003 06:36 PST
Thanks for responding so quickly, Mkip.  I see you have been very
thorough in your plans and I will await your breed suggestions before
proceeding.  I must say, the Brussells Griffon looked simply adorable
but I'm a Sheltie gal myself.  ;)

Clarification of Question by mkip-ga on 28 Feb 2003 12:17 PST
News Bulletin!!!
Rare dog:  A kromfohrlander.  Cross between a wire fox terrier and a
fawn Brittany griffon.  German breed.  Only 2,200 kromfohrlander on
the planet.  Most likely found in Europe:  Germany, Switzerland and
Finland.  Cost is about $1,000.  Please try to get a phone number so I
can talk with breeder directly.  I like the Griffon too.  Also one
more I'll let you know when I get back to the picture.  Thanks!

Clarification of Question by mkip-ga on 28 Feb 2003 12:29 PST
News Bulletin!!!
Rare dog:  A kromfohrlander.  Cross between a wire fox terrier and a
fawn Brittany griffon.  German breed.  Only 2,200 kromfohrlander on
the planet.  Most likely found in Europe:  Germany, Switzerland and
Finland.  Cost is about $1,000.  Please try to get a phone number so I
can talk with breeder directly.  I like the Griffon too.  Also one
more I'll let you know when I get back to the picture.  Thanks!  Other
dogs Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen and Coton de Tulear.  Go girl!
Subject: Re: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada
Answered By: journalist-ga on 28 Feb 2003 17:35 PST
Okay, Martha, I'm a going!  lol  I'm posting this information as an
answer with anticipation that you will find the puppy you want from a
list below.  However, know that we may continue dialogue in the
Clarification section until I locate the kennel that can serve you so
I thank you for your continued patience.  :)


Kromfohrlander [Note listings 1, 3 and 4]

OF coming to a hold HEREDITARY SUPPL. the Yvonne Wertli, coming to a
hold first race 75, 8405 Winterthur, ZH
Switzerland (CH) Tel. +41 (0)52 232 74 45/+41 (0)52 232 74 73/ (Wed February 28 18:34:28 2001)

BY the BELLENBRueNNLE Peter Stingl, Fuchackerweg 1, d-79650 tuft home,
Germany (de) Tel. 049 -7622 63862/049 7622 668267/
(Thu January 18 23:31:00 2001)

NIVILIN'S Irène & Hans's Peter Keller, Alte station road 10, Ch-8154
uppersmoothly, Zurich
Switzerland (CH) Tel. +41 1 8513185/+41 1 8513187 - E-Mail: (do to Dec 3 15:55:56 2002)

BENT FURROW Tiina Koponen, Harjulantie 18, 51520 Hiirola, Mikkeli mlk.
Finland (fi) Tel. 358-15-173 191/ (Fri November 19
23:39:10 1999)

GETTING THE HEATH Sybille wet, Lindach 5, 84069 Schierling, Bavaria
Germany (de) Tel. 09451/21 73 - E-Mail: (do
November 16 16:42:03 1999)


Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen [Note listings 5 and 9]

KRUT'S KENNEL Cecilia Gylén, Altuna Goeksbo, 740 83 Fjaerdhundra
Sweden (SE) Tel. 0171-96222/ (Sat Mar 18 17:14:38

OF TRAVELLER'S JOY Lilian Wauben Sinkovec, Aalbekerweg 81, 6336 XN
Netherlands (nl) Tel. 00 31 45 405 2263/00 31 45 405 9280/ (Sun November 14 18:16:34 1999)

YOU GREFFIER YOU ROI. Jolanda Huisman, Hoofdweg 38, 9628 CP
Siddeburen, Groningen
Netherlands (nl) Tel. 0031 (0)598431595/0031 (0)598-431595 - E-Mail: (Fri July 27 03:25:44 2001)

DALSaeNGS KENNEL Christina Orekvist, Nedre Dalsaengsvaegen 48, 811 91
Sweden (SE) Tel. 026 - 21 63 44/ (Wed
July 28 00:40:17 1999)

FIT FOR FUN Simone Staeubli creator, Gruendlerstr. 3, 4312 Magden,
Switzerland (CH) Tel. +41 (0)61 841 21 61/+41 (0)61 843 94 70/ (Mon July 5 23:28:52 1999)

VaeNTANS KENNEL Inge Hansen Pettersson, Biby Gård, 635 13 Eskilstuna,
Sweden (SE) Tel. 016 291 54/016 291 54 - E-Mail: (Fri May 7 21:51:21 1999)

VOTANEK Miroslav Votanek, JUDr, Pavlišovská 2298/4, 193 00 Praha 9,
Czech Republic (cz) Tel. 00420 5 44228683/00420 5 533652 - E-Mail: (Wed April 7 21:21:22 1999)

VaeNTANS KENNEL Inge Hansen, Biby Gård, 635 13, Eskilstuna
Sweden (SE) Tel. 46,016 - 291 54/016 - 291 54 - E-Mail: (Sat Mar 6 20:08:55 1999)

PENNYLANE Barbara + Dr. Urs Mueller, Altlandenbergstr. 23,
8494 Bauma, ZH
Switzerland (CH) Tel. 0041-52-386 12 21/0041 - 52 - 397 11 33 -
E-Mail: (Fri Dec 6 23:46:40 2002)

JAMAR Valerie left, 41 Prospect of round bar, Minster CT12ÊG, Kent
United Kingdom (uk) Tel. +44 1843 822,333 - E-Mail: (do Dec 15 10:11:36 1998)

CHOUAN Gunnar Nymann, Engelsborgvej 11, Dk-4173 Fjenneslev, Sjælland
Denmark (dk) Tel. +45 57 80 80 07/+45 57 80 88 07 - E-Mail: (do Dec 15 10:06:24 1998)


Coton de Tulear  [Note listings 1, 7, 9, 10 and 14]

RIJNRODEHOEVE    jonas Dewinter,   Liefkensrode 22, 3470 Kortenaken,
Vlaams brabant
Belgium (be)    Tel. 013/46.25.94 - E-Mail:
(Fri Feb 16 06:40:31 2001)

BLUA SANGO   Olga B&#283;hávková,   Dyje 64, Znojmo
Czech Republic (cz)    Tel. 00420 624 234466 /
(Sat Jan 27 15:56:14 2001)

KLUSMAT    Kern Anita,   8, rue Michelet, 68220 Attenschwiller b.
Basel, Elsass
France (fr)    Tel. 0033389705232 - E-Mail: (Thu
Mar 1 21:47:11 2001)

BRYONYS KENNEL   Monica Hjelm,   Östbjörka 250, 795 91 Rättvik, Sweden
Sweden (se)    Tel. / Fax: +46-248-15110 / +46-248-15081 / (Mon Oct 23 01:23:31 2000)

MY LITTLE FEELING   Iris Becker,   Charlottenstr. 70, 30449 Hannover,
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: 0511 4582225 / 0511 4582225 / (Tue Sep 12 19:33:13 2000)

DE PETITE BLANC NUAGE   Nicole Müssing,   Schaumburger Str.116, 32457
Porta Wetfalica, Germany,NRW
Germany (de)    Tel. 05751/87000 / (Tue Sep 5 18:42:18

D'ELETE   Sirpa & Pekka Nurmela,   Järvikyläntie 39, 61850 Kauhajoki
Finland (fi)    Tel. / Fax: +358 40 532 3502 / +358 6 236 0119 / (Tue May 9 22:19:43 2000)

KIDéRO'S    Karen Wagenaar,   Het Bildt 121, 8245 CN, Lelystad
Netherlands (nl)    Tel. 0320-258204 - E-Mail: (Tue Oct
10 22:32:43 2000)

ZUCHT JAHR 2000   Janine + Heinz Stuber,   Hauptstrasse 10, 5737
Menziken, AG
Switzerland (ch)    Tel. +41 62 772 1024 / (Tue
Apr 11 10:39:00 2000)

OUDARD & KUNZLI   Jacques & Evelyne,   Forstay, 1882.Gryon, Vaud
Switzerland (ch)    Tel. 24.498.16.63 / (Thu Mar
30 02:53:50 2000)

MYRON'S   Ursula Knös,   Berliner Str. 7, 64560 Riedstadt, Hessen
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: 06158/2512 / 06158/2512 / (Thu Mar 16 17:05:53 2000)

RáJ KARPAT   Šárka Krayzlová,   263, Záhorovice 687 35, CZ
Czech Republic (cz)    Tel. +420633691010 / (Sun
Mar 12 19:53:43 2000)

MC MELL'S    Heiko Steinmann,   August Bebel Straße 34, 36469
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: 03695/824203 / 03695/824228 - E-Mail: (Tue Mar 14 16:22:06 2000)

CHERIBAN    Minna Hietamäki,   Kuoppamäentie 44 C 20, 33800 Tampere,
Finland (fi)    Tel. +358 40 7313387 - E-Mail:
(Wed May 10 14:38:58 2000)

AZMIRS KENNEL   Monica Bengtsson,   -, Bjuv / Helsingborg, Skåne
Sweden (se)    Tel. / Fax: +46 42 703 15 / +46 42 703 15 / (Sun Jan 9 19:25:10 2000)

CATTLEDRIVERS CASTLE   Wilma Verburgt,   Plantage 39, 8212VC Lelystad,
Netherlands (nl)    Tel. / Fax: 0320-231247 / 0320-231247 / (Mon Dec 27 22:01:34 1999)

VON DER WOLKE   Dr. J. Ludwig,   Bahnhofstr. 22, 48356 Nordwalde
Germany (de)    Tel. 02573/957033 / (Tue Jul 6
21:10:44 1999)

VON DER BEDBURGER SCHWEIZ   Wolfgang Ketzler,   Etgendorfer Weg 4,
D-50189 Elsdorf, NRW
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: 0049-2274-4623 / 0049-2274-93 18 51 / (Fri Jun 25 21:20:55 1999)

CHARMING WHITE FELLOWS'    Ludger u. Marion Klein-Hitpass,  
Thomas-Mann-Weg 22, 46487 Wesel, NRW
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: +49 281 60827 / +49 281 1647819 - E-Mail: (Mon Apr 1 17:24:16 2002)

MA PETIT OURS NEIGE   Elke van den Berg,   Unterweiden 63, 47906
Germany (de)    Tel. / Fax: 02152 -219528 / 02152 - 518662 - E-Mail: (Sat Apr 17 01:05:54 1999)

L'ECHO DES ELINGUES   ARMANI,   4, rue de la mairie, 37 330 Courcelles
de Tne
France (fr)    Tel. / Fax: (00 33) 02 47 24 18 57 / (00 33 02 47 24 18
57) - E-Mail: (Sun Feb 28 14:56:12 1999)

DOMAINE DE LUNIRAY   Perchet,   47, rue Larue, 62 113
France (fr)    Tel. / Fax: (0033)0321659611 / (0033)0321659611 -
E-Mail: (Sun Feb 28 14:53:50 1999)


I found Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen breeders in Canada, too, just in
case you decide on that breed and can't locate one in Europe:

Amonvhar Reg'd
"Box 11, Site 13, R.R. #1"
Olds, AB T4H1P2
Telephone: (403) 224-3707

Karen Fyke
SS-2 Site 1 Comp 66
British Columbia
Canada V2C 6C3
Telephone: 250-372-0226

Chaparral Reg'd
6 Morrow Street
Dundas, ON L9H5S9
Telephone: (905) 522-0590


I included the nearby countries with the ones you requested in case
you could make a longer swerve in your travels if the nearby ones
didn't have litters ready for adoption (although most breeders have a
solid network so don't neglect to ask if they know of anyone with
litters - also, if a litter will be born soon, you might be able to
visit the kennel to ascertain its cleanliness and such, and then have
the breeder ship you the puppy when it's old enough to travel).

I will continue searching tonight and tomorrow for additional kennels
in your specified areas while you make your contacts of the applicaple
kennels above - I wanted to give you what I already found because of
the time factor.  I'll post the additions as I locate them and please
request a clarification should you think of another breed to add.  :)


kromfohrlander kennel
kromfohrlander breeder europe
kromfohrlaender kennel
kromfohrlaender breeder europe
[Coton de Tulear and Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen were used above with
same extensions: kennel, breeder, europe]

Clarification of Answer by journalist-ga on 02 Mar 2003 22:38 PST
I found no links for the Kromfohrlander in Italy or Amsterdam.  The
only references in Amsterdam were dog shows but no contact information
and the breeder names were too vague for searches - just first initial
and last name, no country.

For Coton de Tulear I found one in Italy:
Cotonbrie - Italy
C.Da Verdefiore 31 
62010 MC ITALY
Tel. 0337/638336 0733/579496 Fax 0733/570033
The site at
mentions Ms. de Luca's champions.

No links so far in Amsterdam or Italy for Petit Basset Griffon
I did locate a 2003 calendar of rare breed shows and links to rare
breed clubs at but they seem
mostly U. S. shows for international breeds.  However, you might
contact one of the clubs to see if they have leads:

ARBA - American Rare Breed Association, John Slack, (301) 868-5718,

IABCA - International All Breed Canine Association, (503) 316-9160,

ERBDC - Eastern Rare Breed Dog Club, Linda Ramey, (732) 422-9048

RH- Rare Heirs, PO box 193, Creston OH 44217, (330) 435-4809

RBCSWO - Rare Breed Club of Southwest Ontario, Roy Aitchison,   (519)

It's late Sunday night right now where I am but I will phone the U. S.
club numbers tomorrow and see if they have any leads.  If so, I'll
post the breeders names here for you tomorrow.

Were there some other breeds you wanted me to search?  I noticed your
comment in the Comments section by chance - if you will use the
"Request Clarification" option in your account, I will be notified
through my email by Google Answers as soon as you request a
clarification and I can address your needs more quickly.
Subject: Re: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada
From: pinkfreud-ga on 28 Feb 2003 12:25 PST
If you're interested in a Brussels Griffon, there are breeders in Canada:
Subject: Re: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada
From: mkip-ga on 28 Feb 2003 12:46 PST
Other dog choices are Petit Basset Griffon  and Coton de Tulear.
Thanks again,
Martha Kipper
Subject: Re: Buying a dog in Europe to return to Canada
From: mkip-ga on 02 Mar 2003 20:09 PST
Do you have any breeders in Amsterdam, or Italy

Thank you for you help.

-Matha Kipper

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