Hi again! Thanks for another interesting question!
It seems gremlin-ga that the paperwork part takes too much of the
physician's time and that's why it bothers them so much. They feel
that less time is being spent on patients because of the HMO
"In one focus group conducted on behalf of a major union, doctors
cited second-guessing by non-physicians, paperwork burdens that leave
less time for patients, and yes, loss of income."
"Recently, the Supreme Court ruled that HMOs could continue these
practices, despite a suit brought on behalf of patients. And if your
doctor doesn't speed up, he had better watch out. An ophthalmologist
from Florida called one of the major doctors' unions after he had been
fired by a private-sector clinic for spending too much time with
"Under Pressure of Managed Care, Doctors Forced to Look to Unions"
"Too much paperwork is a perennial physician complaint, the American
Medical Association says. Doctors hate filling out forms."
"But who could blame the physicians? Of the four health plans that
cover Medicaid patients in the region, three of them expected such
forms for women who were having babies. All of the forms were
different, and they all had to be submitted in different ways. The
fourth health plan didn't have a form; instead, staff members called
the physician's office to ask questions about patients. Doctors
couldn't keep track of who needed what, so many simply didn't do
"Competing HMOs Discover When It's Better To Cooperate"
Search terms used:
HMO physician paperwork
"physicians paperwork" HMO
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