I would consider it a real favor if you could look around for a
database for cDNA autoradiograph images.
The specific ones I'm looking for are Clontech Atlas arrays,
especially Mouse cDNA Expression Arrays. Check out
for an example. Anything that looks similar will be considered, but
please just ask me for clarification before you answer if you are not
sure about it.
I'm hoping they will be in .tiff format.
Thanks all!
-rook |
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Mar 2003 12:04 PST
Probably not exactly what you're after, but perhaps these are close
enough. Have a look, and let me know (there are likely many more to
be had like these --I took a quick look around):
http://www.clontech.com/archive/JAN02UPD/pdf/AppNote.pdf [figure 3]
Clarification of Question by
02 Mar 2003 12:39 PST
Thanks pafalafa, but I am looking for a database of cDNA
autoradiograph images (very similar to the examples on the CloneTech
page), a database preferably of Mouse cDNA Expression Arrays. I do
appreciate your attempt to assist!
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Mar 2003 20:36 PST
Hi - most expression data is much more simply represented in a
database by storing relative expression numbers tabularly, rather than
graphically in enough resolution for any use (1-2 megs per blot,
typical minimum). There are many public and private mouse gene
expression databases, many with the genes that can be measured with
Clontech arrays. Are you looking for pictures of the use of the
Clontech arrays, or are you hoping to find a database of Clontech
images that you can attempt to mine for expression data? If the
latter is the case, I doubt that you will find an online database of
the data stored as image files due to the large resolution needed for
proper image analysis. There are however, many databases with tabular
expression data.
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 03:22 PST
I think I may have found the types of website you seek and provide
snippets of text from each one below. If thems seems OK, let me know
and I'll post them.
1)set of 18,816 full-length enriched mouse cDNA arrays Proceedins of
... Y.,
and Okazaki, Y. READ: RIKEN Expression Array Database Nucleic Acids
2)stores raw and normalized data from microarray experiments, as well
as their corresponding image files
Note: For a searchable database of the mouse gene list, go to
Clarification of Question by
05 Mar 2003 17:12 PST
Close, rajeevsmind-ga, but I am looking for a radioisotope labelled
(onto a nylon filter (aka membrane)) cDna expression array, the kind
in the picture that I referenced on the ClonTech page. You were
helpful, but your image databases had non-nylon filter pictures (in
other works, they weren't using radioisotope labelling). Even if the
images weren't created with CloneTech Atlas imagers, as long as they
were radiolabelled cDna "spot" images that were captured on a nylon
substrate (filter), the kind in the picture that I referenced on the
ClonTech page.
This database has to be out there somewhere. I just called the
Stanford database guys because of rajeevsmind-ga's suggestion, and
they said a French CNRS institute has the database, but I couldn't
find it on the CNRS Web site. It's in French, so you might have to
use the google language tools or contact CNRS directly if you know
Thank you, rajeevsmind-ga, for trying!
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Mar 2003 18:05 PST
If I am reading this correctly (and I'm not sure that I am!), this
includes a document called "Methods for Gene Expression Profiling with
Nylon Filter Microarrays", along with two downloadable file -- one
with gene expression data, and the other (and this is where I'm not
100% sure) that converts the data into the type of images you are
Pathways input Filter Library for DermArray -- PWI File
Gene List -- To be imported into a spreadsheet program such as Excel
to analyze experimental data
The "Pathways" file needs certain software that you may or may not
have access to.
Please let me and the other researchers know if this type of
information is useful, and how close (or distant) it is from what you
actually need.
Clarification of Question by
05 Mar 2003 18:44 PST
Close!....I just need a number of high quality mouse (or human) cDna
expression array images. I hope this database will also name the
"radioisotope" that was used to burn the image (i.e., phosphor 32 or
Check out the picture: "Membrane (8x12cm): Atlas cDNA Mouse
Expression Array manufactured by CLONTECH Laboratories, Inc. Acquired
by Fujifilm" located at the URL:
Thanks for the try, though!