Hi daveb-ga,
As you know, Jabber allows you to choose which public or private
Jabber servers you will be using. In order to send and receive email,
you need a Jabber server to be running a SMTP gateway. From the Jabber
User Guide:
"One of the things people like about Jabber is that you can
communicate with users of legacy IM systems like AIM, MSN, ICQ, and
Yahoo. Unlike all-in-one IM clients like Trillian, what makes this
possible in Jabber is a piece of software called a gateway (or
"transport"), which runs in conjunction with a Jabber
server....Unfortunately not every Jabber server runs every gateway ...
so you may need to hunt around for working gateways."
So, how do you find a gateway running the suitable gateway?
- If you are using a Private Jabber server:
You need to install and configure the Jabber SMTP transport on
it. You can dowload the available transports for Jabber from:
- Projects > JabberStudio > Gateway Transports
( http://www.jabberstudio.org/project/?cat=8 )
- If you are using a Public Jabber server:
You need to configure your Jabber client to use a public server
that provides the SMTP gateway service. You can find a list of public
Jabber servers at:
- Jabber.org: Public Jabber Servers
( http://www.jabber.org/user/publicservers.php )
In this list, you can see that there are two servers that support
SMTP( You can check this by moving your mouse over the golden star in
the 'Others' column. A tooltip appears, containing a list of other
features provided by the server. Just look for SMTP gateway.)
The two servers are:
- jabber.org
- theoretic.com
For instructions on how to setup your Jabber client, see the Jabber
User Guide:
- Jabber User Guide
( http://www.jabber.org/user/userguide/index.html )
For instructions on using the theocratic.com Jabber server, see:
- Main JabberAccounts @ Theoretic
( http://www.theoretic.com/Main/JabberAccounts )
Another interesting feature about Jabber is that if you want to use a
service (say the SMTP Gateway) that is not offered by your Jabber
server, but is available at another one, you can keep your "home"
Jabber account and "browse" to the other server to see what services
it offers, and use it. For more information on how you can use this
feature, see:
- Jabber User Guide: Finding Gateways
( http://www.jabber.org/user/userguide/ar01s12.html )
Hope this helps.
If you need any clarifications, please do not hesitate to ask.
Google Search terms Used:
send email from jabber
jabber smtp transports |