There is no mention of a statute of limitations under United States
Code Title 42 Section 404 - Overpayments and underpayments. All that
is stated is that they may withhold monthly payments from you or a
lump sum until the amount overpayed is withheld or until you refund to
them the amount that was overpayed. Their logic lies in the inclusion
of "fault" stating that "Although the Administration may have been at
fault in making the overpayment, that fact does not relieve the
overpaid individual or any other individual from whom the
Administration seeks to recover the overpayment from liability for
repayment if such individual is not without fault... An incorrect
statement made by the individual which he knew or should have known to
be incorrect..." By accepting an incorrect sum of monies for Social
Security, you admit fault and are liable for returning the errored
amount. The only way I can see out of this "fault" lies in whether or
not the receipiant of the social security check is capable of
accepting fault, quoted again, "the Commissioner of Social Security
shall specifically take into account any physical, mental,
educational, or linguistic limitation such individual may have
(including any lack of facility with the English language)". Should
this be the case, please mention the section linked to below in your
petition when filing. Regardless of the information I have presented
and the circumstances you may find yourself in, I am not a lawyer, and
I assume you are not one either. It would then serve your best
interests to at least run this all by a lawyer which can deal with
this in a more legal, formal, and complete way.
Additional Links:
Overpayments - Statues, Regulations, and Rules:
Overpayments - Description of recovery:
Overpayments - Fault:
Overpayments - No recovery from persons without fault:
Search Strategy:
Social Security disability overpayment:
Best of luck clearing up this situation with the Social Security
office and I hope I've been of some help!
skermit-ga |