Hello again Ellenlee,
I've listed below the results of a few salary surveys that meet -- or
come pretty close to -- the conditions you specified. The surveys are
interactive, and can ask for a lot of details -- what operating
systems you work with, years of experience, etc. Visit the sites
themselves and play around a bit...they are very informative.
Dice's IT Rate Survey
Click on: Contractor hourly rate
Select the best Consultant Type, Job Function, skills, and geographic
For a Network Engineer servicing a hub-based network in Kansas, the
salary results are:
Summary Information:
Total Respondents: 12
Mean Experience: 4.25 Year(s)
Mean Salary: $60 per hour
with a distribution of:
Experience Respondents Mean Lowest Highest
2 Years 3 $106 $19 $175
3 Years 1 $65 $65 $65
4 Years 3 $54 $26 $100
5 Years 3 $57 $35 $85
7 Years 1 $55 $55 $55
8 Years 1 $25 $25 $25
A similar type of interactive survey is at Pencom Systems:
An Netwrok Administrator consultant looks like this:
Geography: Midwest
Industry: Consulting
Experience: 3-6 years of experience
Job Function: Systems/Network Administrator
The average salary for your qualification is $58000/yr, which, for a
40 hour work week, comes out to roughly $28/hour.
Note however, that I did not make use of the option here of entering
special skiils -- system security, mail programs, etc. Visit the
site, and enter in the information that best describes your situation.
According to the salary calculator at this site:
The Network Control Operator working in KS - Statewide now earns an
average salary of 43,176. Half of those in this position would earn
between 30,552 and 52,273(the 17th and 67th percentiles).These numbers
are derived from real, area specific, survey data.
When benefits and bonuses are added to this salary, the average total
compensation for this position would be 53,713.
Finally, at the RealRates.com site there are 13 listings of what
Network Engineers consultants are being paid these days. These
listings might include information that is closest to your own
circumstances. I've included two of the listings below, to show you
what they look like. I can't show the whole list due to copyright
restrictions, but you can easily reproduce the search yourself at the
Rate Info: Date reported: 9/9/02. Hourly Rate Paid to Non-Brokered
Consultant: $50.
Rate Earned by Consultant on Previous Assignment: $65. New rate is 23%
less than previous rate.
Tax Status: IC
Contract Info Skills Used: Network Support Title: Network Engineer.
Location: Rockport, tx. Industry: Marketing. Length 0.1 mos. Work
Performed Offsite.
Resume Info: YOE 8 yrs. Gender: M. Age: 21-25. Citizenship/Visa: U.S.
Rate Info: Date reported: 9/2/02. Hourly Rate Paid to Brokered
Consultant: $55.
Rate Paid by Client: $85. Broker's Markup is: 55% of consultant's
billing. Broker's cut is: 35% of rate paid by client.
Rate Earned by Consultant on Previous Assignment: $52. New rate is 6%
more than previous rate.
Tax Status: W-2
Contract Info Skills Used: Cisco and Windows Title: Network Engineer.
Location: Columbus, OH. Industry: Retail. Length 9 mos.
Resume Info: YOE 14 yrs. Degrees: Bachelors. Age: 21-25.
Citizenship/Visa: U.S. Citizen.
Hope this information helps. Let me know through a Request for
Clarification if you need any additional information.
Search Strategy: Google search on "salary survey" consultant |