Greetings Dutchbaby:
I discovered Google pages that show links to your site. To locate the
pages, I went to the Google search engine and typed in the following
link to:
and discovered your links there. The direct URLs to my searches are:
link to:
So, there are pages linking to your site. I didn't find dozens and
dozens of link-backs but the pages are present.
Concerning the universities and private companies, have you checked
those sites to see if there is code on site pages instructing a robot
not to spider the pages where your link is located? See the
information at to
understand what code might be present to block a spider from crawling
a page or site.
Armed with the code, you would then need to visit the sites to examine
the code of each page where your link appears or you could query each
site's webmaster to see if there are "no follow" commands on the
I did find your links and I'll agree there aren't many. You might
want to wait a few days and enter my search strategy with the "link
to:" again to see if the results have improved.
link to:
robot no follow |
Clarification of Answer by
04 Mar 2003 17:03 PST
PS I searched Micromeritics on Google and found many web pages
referencing your name.
micromeritics - over 3,000 returns
I serched within those results using ""
(without quotes in the search) and found over 70 links to your
company. See ://
Clarification of Answer by
04 Mar 2003 17:06 PST
CLARIFICATION: The first reference in my answer to "link" should have read "link" as
I used the correct spelling in my searches. My apologies for the
Request for Answer Clarification by
13 Mar 2003 08:29 PST
I'm afraid I still don't know what to do. Someone added a comment
below that they found the hundreds on links on All the Web. I did
too, and I checked them and there isn't any robot coding on these
pages. It seems the site has been re-indexed and the results are
still poor - we have a 0 return of results from key terms such as
particle size (a term heavily used on many of our product pages and in
alt tags.) The person who added a comment suggested a "glitch." Is
there a remedy?
Clarification of Answer by
13 Mar 2003 14:44 PST
I'd wager that it was a glitch of some sorts although you would need
to ask the Google search engine team about it. Google Answers is a
separate section of Google. It may be that the other sites are not up
to snuff on their keyword inclusions. The email for your type of
concern would probably be
As far as position, you are number one in a search for Micromeritics
so I can't see that it has anything to do with your alt tags and page
text. Your site is obviously being spidered. Have you considered
putting up a page of links to the companies that are linked to you?
That wouldn't hurt and it should increase link pop for you.
Also, check DMOZ on the names of a few of the companies to see if they
are in there. I checked and your company is included. My
understanding is that DMOZ is well-respected by the Google search
engine spiders.
On Google's site is this:
"How can I improve my site's ranking?"
"Google finds most of its pages when our robots crawl the web and jump
from page to page via hyperlinks. The best way to ensure listing on
Google is for a page to be linked from lots of other pages. Google's
order of results is automatically determined by several factors,
including our patented PageRank algorithm."
From ://
The Google search team should be able to address if there is a glitch
or if it's because your page is somehow lacking.