Hi dipronio,
I want to preface this answer by noting that I am not a physician and
thus cannot give official medical advice and that, even if I were, I
would not be able to do so without knowing the exact circumstances of
the child's injury and rehabilitation plan.
Swimming is considered an excellent rehabilitation exercise for broken
ankles because it helps strengthen the leg muscles while keeping
weight and pressure off the broken bone(s). However, whether it is
appropriate in any particular case will depend on factors including
the type and location of the break, the prognosis for healing, and the
age/weight/physical condition of the child. Before starting any
exercise program for an ankle break it is imperative that you confer
with the child's pediatrician and/or a physical therapist. For some
breaks, strength training and flexing are considered vital - and may
not be achieved in a swimming program. That said, water therapy
(including swimming, "water walking", and water aerobics) is becoming
more and more popular among children and the elderly because the water
buoys and cushions the body, thus preventing stress and strain on
already damaged bones/muscles/tendons.
If you would like more information on foot and ankle injuries,
including therapies, the health topic in MEDLINEplus for "Ankle
Injuries and Disorders"
(http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ankleinjuriesanddisorders.html) is
an excellent starting place. You might also find the health topic
"Rehabilitation" useful
(http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/rehabilitation.html). MEDLINEplus
offers consumer health information via links to nonprofit and
governmental information sites as well as information from the
National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Good luck!
librariankt |